  • 學位論文


Tradition and Innovation─ The Heritage of Tiao-Gu Jen

指導教授 : 張中煖


本研究旨在了解跳鼓陣的歷史源頭與探討跳鼓陣的傳承過程及演變,藉由對其教學內容與方法的深入探究,進而提出對跳鼓陣未來傳承之建言。 本研究方法主要以文獻資料分析及田野調查與訪談為主,輔以影像紀錄與觀摩,經由各章節的探討與分析,得到以下結論: 一、 有關跳鼓陣的起源,文獻資料有不同說法,尚未有統一的見解。 二、 跳鼓陣的發展因為職業跳鼓陣的興起、重要人士的推動、政府相關部門方案   的支持,曾在民國80年代達到興盛時期,也掀起國小組跳鼓陣團隊,並常參與比賽的熱潮。後因環境與社會條件變遷,於民國90年代開始有逐漸沒落的趨勢。 三、 跳鼓陣在民間的傳統乃以師徒教學方式傳授技藝,進入學校體制後,已有教師實施跳鼓陣創新教學法,如科技的輔助、學科的統整、創意啟發式教學等方式。 四、 由於觀眾、環境、表演者之改變與相互影響,跳鼓陣技藝內容及傳承方式,已面臨不斷的創新,然在面對傳統與創新的挑戰,研究者特別提醒要審慎考量如何拿捏變與不變之原則,能夠適切地保存傳統精髓。 經由本研究探討,研究者認為針對跳鼓陣未來之傳承,可由政府相關部會的支持,學校與社區結合、建立跳鼓陣現代傳承體系,以及運用創新教學法引起學生學習動機等四方面著手,以利跳鼓陣能夠隨著時空的轉變,仍能代代相傳。


The study aims to understand the heritage of Tiao-Gu Jen in terms of its origin, historical development and passing-down process. By further exploring the details of Tiao-Gu Jen, including the teaching contents and teaching methods, the researcher will submit personal points of view. The research method of this study is mainly used through the analysis of documents, fieldworks and interviews, along with observing audio-visual records. The research results shows as follows: 1. From literature review, the researcher finds that there are different evidences about the origin of Tiao-Gu Jen, but none is for sure and needs to further research in the future. 2. Because many professional groups emerge, some key persons’ promotion, and the supports from central and local governments, Tiao-Gu Jen achieved the summit in 1980s, which also triggered many groups formed in the primary school level and to join the Tiao-Gu Jen related competitions enthusiastically. Later on, due to the change of society and environment, Tiao-Gu Jen has been hardly carried on. 3. Traditional teaching style of Tiao-Gu Jen is based on teacher-centered. When the heritage of Tiao-Gu Jen brought in school, some teachers started to use different pedagogy, such as assisted with technology, integrated curriculum and creative teaching. 4. According to the change and mutual influences among the performers, audiences, and performing spaces, the way of heritage and the contents of Tiao-Gu Jen have been innovated. However, facing the challenge from tradition towards innovation, the researcher think in order to preserve the spirits and essence, innovation should be considered carefully and some principles should be kept. Finally, the researcher submits through the support of government, the cooperation between school and community, curriculum design and possible teaching approaches to attract students’ motivation four aspects to benefit the development of Tiao-Gu Jen for the future. Key words: Tiao-Gu Jen, Taiwanese Folk Dance, Folk Education


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