  • 學位論文


“Adapting” Shakespeare in Taiwan : On the Works of Lee Kuo-Shiu and Chi Wei-Jan

指導教授 : 楊澤


改編,是「我」這個文本與另一文本之間不斷產生的對話與糾纏。改編者的「自我」和「他人」之間的關係,在改編的過程中,不斷游移。「自我」既透過「他人」來確認,重新定義自身,「他人」亦透過「自我」更彰顯其異質性。改編後的作品,既挾著「自我」,又混合著「他人」,自我已非自我,他人亦非他人,展現豐富的內在層次。 楊.寇特(Jan Kott)在《莎士比亞,我們的同代人》(Shakespeare, Our Contemporary, 1974)中寫到:「莎士比亞就像世界或生活本身。每一個歷史時期都從他那裡,找到自己所要尋找和自己想要看到的東西」(5)。莎翁成了一位眾人爭相與之對話的大師,眾多的研究、討論和演出,至今從未停歇。但,為什麼是莎士比亞?為什麼他有這樣的本事,使得我們一直想跟他對話? 本文開始將先介紹莎翁的時代背景與劇場的特色,從中世紀到伊莉莎白時代,藉此說明莎翁為何會是現代典範的中心指標。接著將從莎翁東傳入中國開始,簡介大陸莎學發展,以及莎翁在臺搬演情況。在這些演出中,臺灣從原著照搬的文化大學公演,發展到開始改編莎劇。本文將專注探討李國修與紀蔚然對莎翁的當代詮釋,深入分析兩位處理莎劇的手法,進一步縱論莎劇改編與台灣社會文化之間的互動。李國修和紀蔚然年紀相仿,屬於戰後嬰兒潮的一代,歷經戒嚴到解嚴的成長背景,深刻影響了他們的人生與創作。八○年代以降,台灣社會從權威的壓制解放出來後,眾多當代議題和社會運動紛湧而出,個體意識開始甦醒。李國修和紀蔚然就在這樣的社會背景之下,開始批判、省思這變動的台灣社會。 當戲劇活動開始興盛,當西方文化如同洪水大量倒灌至台灣,台灣的社會文化要如何從全盤接受西方文化,進而找出自己的主體性?李國修和紀蔚然的劇作就點出了這個問題,既反省、批判向西方文化一面倒的現況,又能藉由與西方文化的對話中,反思台灣社會現況與西方文化的差異之處,並發展出自己駁雜、苦澀的主體意識。他們的劇作也因此成了台灣社會文化歷經西方文化的洗練,在一番反思之餘,愈趨成熟的指標之一。


莎士比亞 改編 李國修 紀蔚然 哈姆雷特


“Adaptation” is a way for two texts to get into conversation, that is, the new text is a reaction to the original one. Through the process of “adaptation”, the relationship between the new and the original one is unstable. By combining with “the other”(the original text), “the one/self”(the new text) redefines itself, but also shows the heterogeneity of this “the other”. In Shakespeare, Our Contemporary (1974), Jan Kott writes: “Shakespeare is like the world, or life itself. Every historical period finds in him what it is looking for and what it wants to see.”(5) It seems Shakespeare has been a guru that everyone wants to get something from him, till now. But why is Shakespeare in particular? We have to go back to the start of the British theatre first. The British theatre breeds from the ritual process, getting the nutrition in its own territory. Then, it absorbs the ancient Greek and Roman culture. These two trends meet in the Elizabethan age, and offer an environment to give birth to the well-known superstar, Shakespeare. This article will introduce the background from the Middle age to the Elizabethan age, and indicate Shakespeare as the centre of the modern paradigm. Up to the present, Shakespeare has been known in Chinese for just more than a hundred years. This article will also focus on the development of Shakespeare in the world of Chinese, China and Taiwan. Then mainly discussing the two important Taiwan playwrights, Lee Kuo-Shiu and Chi Wei-Jan, their works not only follow the changing of the society, but also criticize and reflect. Not just accepting the western culture without any introspection like before, their interaction with Shakespeare, especially the tragedy Hamlet, represents the maturity of the subjectivity of Taiwan.


Shakespeare Adaptation Lee Kuo-Shiu Chi Wei-Jan Hamlet


布克哈特(Jacob Burckhardt)(2007)。《義大利文藝復興時代的文化》。 臺北: 聯經。
----- (2006)。《中國現代戲劇的兩度西潮》。臺北:聯合文學。


