  • 學位論文


Guided by Mosston: An Analysis of Teaching “Young Gardeners’ Tree-Planting” in Cloud Gate Dance School

指導教授 : 張中煖


研究者在歷經八年的啟發式幼兒舞蹈教學經驗之累積,深覺教師的教學方法對於孩童有莫大的影響,復感於自己在教學上之口語引導有其增進的必要性,因此,希望藉由Mosston體育教學光譜之策略來思考並探討教學方式在啟發式舞蹈教學上之應用。故本研究擇取Mosston體育教學光譜之導引式教學策略,探討其與雲門舞集舞蹈教室教師教授「小園丁來種樹」課程之間是否有相互呼應之處,透過文獻蒐集、教室觀察,以及訪談,歸納全體教師的口語引導模式,在其問題導引上作進一步的分析,藉以探知各教師之導引方式與Mosston導引式教學策略有何異同,同時,也將生活律動第一至四期所運用之導引方式作一彙整。研究結果顯示: 一、雲門舞集舞蹈教室生活律動課程運用多元的導引方式,共可分為五大類十種,平均每期約為四至八種,而導引方式的運用,取決於單元內容、教師特質、學生屬性而有所不同,但並非導引方式愈多,成效愈高。 二、不同舞蹈教師教授同一課程不會因年資、教過次數及背景對教學成效有絕對的影響,但教師之口語引導有其共通性: (ㄧ)先口語問答,再進行肢體探索 (二)情境鋪陳之比重,多於目標概念之建立 (三)問題思考之切入點及導向方式雷同 (四)問題具重複之趨向 (五)時間分配頭重腳輕,導致分享部份缺乏問題整合 三、舞蹈老師在引導方式的運用上與Mosston導引式教學策略在問題思維及邏輯上是有共通性的。 四、舞蹈老師在引導方式的運用上與Mosston導引式教學策略在問題的設計上、學生發現思考的過程中及學生動作回應上是有差異性的。 五、Mosston教學策略之內涵可與幼兒啟發式舞蹈教學在教學實施的過程上、教學目標上及課程理念上是相呼應的。 依據研究結果,研究者提出以下的建議: 一、建議雲門舞集舞蹈教室生活律動第一至四期之幼兒舞蹈教師在問題導引上應引發學生多一點的身體回應。其中問題導引之話語的使用,包含情境的鋪陳、時間的掌控以及如何在現實與虛擬間引導學生正確的認知與辨別能力等,都須審慎操作。 二、建議雲門舞集舞蹈教室之行政系統在培訓或是進修課程上可多方引薦其他教學方法,以收各家理論精華與實務之綜合運用。 三、建議其他幼兒舞蹈教師能整合性的思考課程內容,了解學生身心發展之狀況,以及清楚自我教學的目標與企圖,針對教學對象,善用教學資源,採用合宜的教學方法,少ㄧ些標準性的規範限制,多給予學生ㄧ些創意的思考空間。 四、建議研究範圍可拓展至其他區域,並可藉由區域性的差異及授課教師背景的不同,了解其教學之異同點,進而綜整出一條明確而有效的教學方式。 五、建議研究面向可延伸至雲門舞集舞蹈教室其他階段之課程或年齡層,藉此從中了解不同階段之課程及年齡在教學形式上的運用有何特殊之處。另外,也可針對Mosston其他的教學形式作深入性的討論。


As a dance teacher in Cloud Gate Dance School for more than 8 years, the researcher is interested in how to apply various teaching strategies, especially through guiding process, to enhance teaching skills for children’s dance. The purpose of this study is to investigate various guiding approaches in teaching Life Pulse curriculum in Cloud Gate Dance School, and by using Mosston’s teaching strategies specifically the Guided Discovery Style as a compasion to examine 15 teachers’ teaching in “Young Gardeners’ Tree-Planting” of Life Pulse curriculum to see if there are any similarities or differences. Through reviewing Mosston’s theory and related research, class observation, videotaping, and interview, the research shows some results in the following: 1.Various instructive teaching strategies are adopted in the Level one to four of Life Pulse curriculum. Average 4-8 different strategies are used for each level. The different guiding approaches are applied according to teaching content, teacher’s character, and student’s ability. However, using more guiding approaches within one lesson does not necessarily lead to higher teaching efficiency. 2.Experienced teacher’s performance does not demonstrate better teaching quality. However, while guiding student’s dancing, there are similar oral techniques among teachers. For example, teachers would like to question and get the answers from students first and then to guide them to explore body experience; teachers prefer constructing a teaching scene to building up a concept; teachers pave a similar guiding process and like to repeat questions and so on. 3.While dance teachers questioning, their guiding process and reasonable arrangement are compatible with Mosston’s Guided Discovery Style, although all teachers are not familiar with Mosston’s theory. Based on the above-mentioned, the researcher submits some suggestions as follows: 1.In order to achieve the ideal of integrating theory with practice, Cloud Gate Dance School may introduce and bring in more teaching strategies and methods for teacher’s training program. 2.Teachers for Level one to four of Life Pulse curriculum in Cloud Gate Dance School should stimulate students to have more physical responses. Teachers must be very careful when facilitating students’ body exploration including guiding questions, shaping a creative scene, time controlling, and the ability to differentiate between virtual and realistic worlds. 3.It is very important for teachers to understand students’ mental and physical status besides clearly knowing teaching objectives and intension. In addition, teachers must well use possible methods and valuable resource, and guide students to be more creative. 4.The scope of the research can be further expanded and explored in terms of different lesson plans, curriculum level, and student’s age and so on. Different strategies in Mosston’s Teaching Spectrum also can be studied further and applied to various curricula in the future.


劉兆達、周宏室(2007)。Mosston 體育教學光譜的研究與趨勢。大專體育,93,85-95。
