  • 學位論文


Hybrid: the Power of Actualized Virtuality

指導教授 : 劉錫權


本文之初將透過某種自我探索的口吻,嘗試分析個人創作動機,以及個人成長環境裡所帶給自己的影響,何以成為奠定日後創作方向的重要起點-年幼時家族經營電影院、老家廟口的巨型神將-皆是影響我創作的重要元素,並由此開始進入本文的核心,亦即個人創作所欲探討的對象及範疇。 科幻與神話,充斥在生活以及生命周圍,我再也無法輕易的判別或是定奪何為真實?科幻的電影或神話的小說情節裡,仿生的人機或人獸,以及所謂的AI人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)卻有如靈魂再造般的人工復活,這些情節不停的在影像裡續活下來,繼續又死去,如此暴力且極具破壞性的不朽身軀,如此極致的愉悅。但在如今日新月異的科技範疇下,這些科幻的劇本不但沒有停留在影像當中,反而一再地被解碼與成型。原先透過的影像閱讀所帶來的愉悅,而今伴隨的卻是莫名的焦慮?每每面對如此的議題,都讓我感到新奇卻又不安,一方面我對於即將可能進化的身驅感到喜悅,另一方面卻又對於非現實的狀態而感到恐懼,何以為真實?眼見,卻不見得為憑。 在本創作論述的後半篇幅,將以討論作品構成與展覽規劃的方式,試圖推演自我的想像如何實踐,這些模型看起來反而比活著更加美好,如同在葬儀裡所建構出來的墳塚,如此一來在面對自己終將殞落的肉身與作品之間,構成某種程度的交換,在確認這些作品是否實存的同時,同時亦是一次又一次關於存在的自我確認。


擬像 仿生 認同感 實存 未來科學 此曾在 建立關係


This thesis starts with a self-exploration view to re-examine the very first beginning of my creative inspirations, such as my days stay in the family-run theater or the giant puppets parade at religious festivals during my childhood, all of these became crucial to my creative works and opened up the axis of the following thesis is about. We grow up in a world that Sci-Fi movies rule; characters in the motion pictures or myth stories mimic life, perished and brought back to life repeatedly. Those artificial intelligence machines and animals in the play break down the boundaries between reality and virtual reality, ethics and evolution. Facing technological development and the application of such technologies, my works aim to discuss the value and capacity of human desire from an alternative perspective. That is all of my works could be seen as the extension of such struggle and desire, with my imagination of a combination of both organic and artificial life, people today do not adhere to any single value, but live in varied, heterogeneous, and inconsistent systems between nature and culture. Responding to the artist statement, the latter half of this thesis will focus on the combination/hybridization of robotic and organic lives as a means of understanding and exploring both the environment and oneself. And the temptation of desire, that is the struggle of desire and raise questions about eternity while symbolizing the entanglement of technological consumerism and technological advancement. However, ironically, this seemingly imperishable mechanical body could actually be repeatedly replicated, replaced, or re-organized just as they were in the movies.


6.Shelley(Mary)著,于而彥譯,《科學怪人》(Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus),台北:台灣商務,2012。
1.Bachelard(Gaston)著,龔卓軍、王靜慧譯,《空間詩學》(La poétique de l’espace),台北:張老師文化,2003。
2.Baudrillard(Jean) 著,洪凌譯,《擬仿物與擬像》(simulacers et Simulation),台北:時報文化,1998。
3.Berger(John)著,何佩樺譯,《另類的出口》(The Space of a Pocket),台北:麥田出版,2006。

