  • 學位論文

涉入程度與Live House氛圍對於觀眾體驗之影響

Effects of Involvement and Live House Atmosphere on Audience Experience

指導教授 : 黃蘭貴


Live house,又稱為「音樂展演空間」,是常態提供原創音樂演出的室內表演場所,也是長期以來培育台灣獨立音樂與創作型歌手的搖籃,近幾年到live house 欣賞音樂演出亦逐漸成為民眾普遍參與的休閒活動之一。隨著體驗經濟時代來臨,民眾在參與活動過程更重視心理感受,以及能從中獲得愉悅體驗。站在live house經營管理立場,如何提升觀眾體驗感受,與其建立長久關係,以達到永續經營目的,正是經營者所需關注的。本研究運用涉入程度與氛圍兩大理論,對live house觀眾體驗進行探究。 本研究以台北市live house 觀眾為研究對象,採問卷調查法蒐集研究資料。問卷設計參考McIntyre與Pigram(1992)、Kim、Scott與Crompton(1997)、Kim與Scott(2002)的休閒涉入觀點,將涉入程度分為心理與行為兩個層面。其次,參考Wakefield 與Baker(1998)及Baker、Parasuraman、Grewal 與Voss(2002)的商店氛圍量表,設計live house 氛圍量表,將氛圍分為三大構面,即無形的周圍環境因素、有形的設計因素與服務人員因素。最後參考Schmitt(1999)所提出的體驗觀點,以感官、情感、思考、行動與關聯五個構面設計live house觀眾體驗量表。研究資料蒐集乃實地至live house演出現場進行抽樣發放,共計取得343份有效樣本,進一步以複迴歸模型進行資料分析。 研究結果發現,觀眾對於歌手與live house音樂演出的心理涉入程度,對於觀賞體驗具有顯著正向影響,行為涉入程度對觀眾體驗則無顯著影響;live house氛圍的周圍環境因素、設計因素與服務人員因素皆對觀賞體驗具有顯著正向影響。由此可知,強化觀眾聆聽歌手作品的主觀感受與增加對live house音樂演出的心理涉入程度能提高其在live house的觀賞體驗,而live house良好的氛圍營造亦能提升觀眾的體驗感受。


Live house 涉入程度 氛圍 觀眾體驗


Live house is a venue that provides music performance. It has been cultivated and nourished many artists and bands. In recent years, participating music performance in live house has gradually become a leisure activity. Nowadays, audiences emphasize the feeling and experience they gained in live house. Therefore, live house manager should always pay attention to enhance the audience’s experience to build a good relationship with audiences. The purposes of this study were to explore the audience experience in live house based on the theory of involvement and atmosphere. This study selected the audiences of live house in Taipei city as the research subject and adopted a quantitative research method by using questionnaires. Based on the theory of ‘Strategic Experiential Modules’ which was proposed by Schmitt (2000), this study examined five dimensions of experience included sense, feel, think, act and relate. Furthermore, this study adopted the perspective of leisure involvement (Kim, Scott, & Crompton, 1997; McIntyre & Pigram, 1992) and the atmosphere theory (Baker, Parasuraman, Grewal, & Voss, 2002; Wakefield & Baker, 1998) to examine the influence of the involvement (including psychological involvement and behavioral involvement) and atmosphere of live house on audience experience. This survey collected a total of 343 valid questionnaires and the data were analyzed by using regression analysis. The results showed that the psychological involvement to artists and live house, not behavioral involvement, had a significant positive influence on audience experience. The atmosphere of live house also positively correlated with audience experience. Therefore, enhancing the psychological involvement of music performance in live house can elevate the audiences’ experience, and the atmosphere of live house can also promote the audiences’ experience.


陳巧歆(2011)。從「西門紅樓河岸留言」看Live House小眾音樂聽眾的消費者行為。藝術欣賞,7(3),42-45。
陳巧歆(2012)。Live House 在臺灣北部地區之發展現況﹣以「西門紅樓河岸留言」為例。藝術論文集刊,19,233-253。


連祖浩(2018)。草東真的沒有派對嗎? 台灣音樂展演之體驗行銷與消費者忠誠度之探究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2018.00141
