  • 學位論文


An Essay on Creation of 3D Computer Animation – The Mimicker

指導教授 : 李道明


摘要 本文乃是《在擬者》這部電腦動畫影片的作品創作論述。此部動畫是以三維電腦動畫軟體來製作的單頻道影片,內容主要以生物界演化過程中的擬態現象來看待人與人之間、人與環境之間的存在意義與關係。 筆者在人生道路的思索中漸漸思考到存在意義的問題,在受到了存在主義兩位代表人物祈克果(Soeron Kierkegard)與卡夫卡(Franz Kafka)的著作及相關評論的影響下,從而對於如何看待自己的存在而有所啟發。這篇論述指出,人在學習之路上常以模仿他者為方法而快速成長,卻也可能因此而自我迷失。而生物界的擬態現象又使得筆者感到與前述的狀態極為神似,筆者因而企圖藉此類比出我們除了身體的生存之外,還有自身看待的存在問題。為了呈現這樣的問題,本動畫作品中創造一位名叫「諭」的小男孩。他獨自身處在自己的一片林地中,確不曾知道自己擁有神奇的力量。當他與身處環境經過一連串的事件後,他開始發覺自己與環境的存在問題與相互的關係。二零零六年的今天,面臨劇烈全球化的此刻,個人與環境的存在儼然已是非常重要的一個思考課題。在本篇論述中特別提到,人所居住的環境如同是個人意識的延伸所創造出來的,但全球化劇烈進展的此時,世界各地的居住環境卻越來越彼此相似而失去了當地的特色。當整個世界都掉入一種相互同化的潮流中時,處在當中的人們該如何自處?而又該如何拓展到與當地環境的相處?這些正是筆者於《在擬者》 這部作品中想表達的意念。 「在擬者」指的是擬態生物的本身,透過模仿表面上更具優勢的物種而成功欺瞞受騙者(天敵或是競爭物種)等而獲得繼續生存的機會。筆者以為,在那同時,它們往往也因此迷失自我而失去存在的意義,如此的現象不只是比喻人的擬態,筆者也進一步推演到環境建物的擬態上,企圖提出自覺的存在與身處的環境間那密不可分的關係。 最後,在實作方面,《在擬者》是一部個人獨立創作的三維電腦動畫作品,內容皆以三維電腦繪圖軟體來製作,視覺表現以漸變著色器的算圖著色引擎為工具來產生單純卻具有漸層階調的色彩效果,在作品中用以處理人物與大多數的物件。這過往較少使用的電腦動畫成像的手法,卻十分適合筆者想表現的非寫實視覺效果,尤其以奇幻風格與單純的視覺效果來說更是契合。希望在提出存在意義這般沉重問題的同時,能夠讓觀眾更輕鬆地接受筆者想傳達的作品概念。 關鍵詞:在擬者、擬態、存在主義、全球化、三維電腦動畫、漸變著色器


Abstract This essay discusses the process of making its computer animation, The Mimicker. The term, mimicker, indicates that an individual who copies the behavior of the others. Often, a mimicker gets more chances to survive because of his mimicking, imitation of the other successful species. With 3D computer animation software, the single channel animation focuses on the mimicry of evolution of organism, and the existential meanings of an individual and his effect on the environment. The author's mind went on racing with the thought of existential meaning in life. Influenced by the remarkable existentialist, Soeron Kierkegard and Franz Kafka, their works, the author of The Mimicker has a clear picture of his own existence. This essay, therefore, points out the blind spot that many people usually imitate others to elevate themselves but lose their own ways in the end. The mimicking of other people is extremely similar to the mimicry of the evolution of organism. To get to know the existence of a human body and mind, the book creates a character named Yu. The little boy relates himself to the place he lives. At first, he did not recognize his great power. But, when the natural conditions in his place lost its characteristic, he began to wonder. How does an individual place himself and how does he get along with the residential environment are the topics of this creation. Today, in the era of globalization, the existence of an individual and the environment has become one of the critical issues in the world. The Mimicker reflects the being that mimics the others. Generally speaking, a mimicker has a good chance to survive because he copies the behavior of the other superior species. At the same time, however, a mimicker might confuse himself by following the others and finally lost the meaning of the existence. A mimicker can be either a being or environment. The close relationship between a being and his residential environment will be discussed in this essay as well. The Mimicker, a 3D computer animation, is completed by one person. The creator of The Mimicker uses 3D computer software to make the video. Ramp Shader Rendering Engine is especially chosen to create the visual effects of characters and the rest of the things in The Mimicker. In order to make a gentle effect, the creator of the film smoothes the level of toon color. The skill is seldom seen, but it perfectly presents the non-photorealistic rendering effect. The style of fantasy and the simple visual effect are a especially compatible. Through the these techniques, the readers will find it easy to understand the author's concepts in The Mimicker. Keyword: mimicker (mimic), mimicry, existentialism, globalization, 3D computer animation, ramp shader


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