  • 學位論文

Old is New!?故宮宣傳影片及青年觀眾解讀之研究

Old is New!?The Study of NPM’s Advertisement and Young Visitors’ Interpretations

指導教授 : 陳佳利


1998年起,國立故宮博物院進行博物館數位典藏相關計畫,開啟跨領域嘗試,而2004年起,訴求之「Old is New」策略,持續開發的文化創意產業,並拍攝多部廣告與形象影片,以積極吸引青年觀眾,展現其形象轉變的企圖。本研究將針對行銷Old is New概念之故宮宣傳影片,以符號學作為分析工具,分析影片中試圖傳達的意涵,及N世代青年觀眾(閱聽人)的解讀與詮釋。 研究發現影片以輕鬆有趣的敘事方式,展現「科技」、「多元」、「創新」、「流行」與「本土化」的符碼,不僅呈現故宮持續累積之數位成果之外,更表現出故宮期待營造之「新」形象。在閱聽人研究方面,本研究訪談兩組不同背景的青年觀眾:分別為「藝術相關科系/較常參觀故宮」,與「非藝術相關科系/較少參觀故宮」的焦點團體進行訪談。分析訪談後發現,前者,較能理解複雜多元的形象廣告,並產生「轉變」、「科技」、「文化創意」的「新」故宮印象;後者,藉由組成元素較為單純的文物動畫短片,對故宮產生「有趣」、「大眾化」的感受,更引起參觀興趣。 因此本研究建議,故宮若期望塑造貼近國內民眾的形象,畫面元素較為簡單有趣的短片,可利用網路管道,更快速且廣泛的散佈。而針對國際觀光客與文化菁英方面,畫面元素較為複雜、隱喻,或知識性類型的影片與紀錄片,則較為適合。


National Palace Museum (NPM) began its cross-domain development in 1998 by launching the digital archives program. Later in 2004, NPM proposed the “Old is New” marketing strategy in an attempt to transform its image. While continuously promoting the cultural creative industry, NPM made several advertisement and promotional videos to attract young audience. This study conducted a semiotic analysis of the videos based on the marketing concept “Old is New” to find implications of the videos and how N-generation young audience interprets them. Findings suggested that NPM’s advertisement and promotional videos were made to present codes including “technology”, “plurality”, “innovativeness”, “fashion” and “nativism” through interesting narration. These videos showed the achievement NPM has made in digital archiving and also the “new” image that NPM expected to create. In the research of audience, this study adopted the focus group interview method. Two groups of young audience, one consisting of “people with an art educational background i/ frequently visitors of NPM” and the other consisting of “people without an education background in art/ occasional visitors of NPM”, were formed and interviewed. Analysis of the interview data showed that young audience in the former group could better comprehend the promotional video composed of complicated and pluralistic elements and had a “new” impression of NPM comprising of images including “transformation”, “technology”, and “cultural creativity”; young audience in the latter group perceived NPM as “intriguing” and “popularized” had more intention to visit NPM after viewing short and simple advertisement about artifacts. Therefore, this study suggested that if NPM expects to create a friendly image that can be accepted by a wider audience, it can utilize the Internet to quickly and extensively disseminate short advertisement composed of interesting but simple elements. Videos consisting of more complicated elements and metaphors or knowledge-based videos and documentaries may be more suitable for attracting international visitors and cultural elites.




顏芝芸(2013)。兒童觀眾於高雄兒童美術館的遊戲互動與創作分享行為— 以「圖案,真奇妙!」特展為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6835/TNUA.2013.00148
