  • 學位論文

歷史性建築保存活化機制之探討:修復 再利用 委外經營之整合操作

A Study on the Operational Mechanism of the Authorized-reused Historic Buildings

指導教授 : 林會承
共同指導教授 : 黃士娟(Shih-Chuan Huang)


台灣歷史空間保存作為,始於七○年代中期,自千禧年《文化資產保存法》第三次修正增列「歷史建築」後,古蹟指定與歷史建築登錄個案逐年增加,統計至今已超過1,600處。此期間對於保存理念,已從過往時空凍結般櫥窗式陳列進展到空間活化的生活體驗,從修舊如舊的場域呈現轉化到歷史真實性的訴求。在這眾多文化資產中,本文探討對象為原有空間機能有所轉換的館所,研究範疇鎖定公部門掌管且委外經營的個案。此類館所現階段數量雖不多,約佔全數8.3%(林會承,2009:1448),然卻也正是台灣文化資產保存活化走向的領頭羊。在文化行銷競逐的場域中,在可預見的未來,公部門館所委外經營將是此類文化資產面對生存競爭的必然趨勢。 本文第一章說明研究動機、目的及方法。第二章針對文獻資料加以統整分析,探究古蹟歷史建築修復再利用至委外經營的論述與相關法規。第三章經由台北市四個案例與雲林縣一個案例,深入探討個案操作的得失與啟示,以為後續章節研究基礎。個案選定乃著眼台北市文化資產館所委外經營案例乃最早也是最具績效的所在,相關法規機制完備。第四章探討個案再利用營運可行性評估,歸納修復至經營系列作業的評估為客觀環境、文資空間以及委外營運管理等三個層面,並細分為14項可行性評估因子,嘗試賦予各因子加值權重。以永續性經營觀之,可行性評估將扮演個案營運成敗的重要關鍵,後續若能累積多次的操作修正,評估因子間權重於往後個案可行性評估將越趨客觀可信。第五章針對目前修復再利用至委外經營機制上,提出 1.保存與再利用工程階段應有效整合,可節省資源與提升時效。2.館所營運團隊應提前在修復階段進場,從營運角度參與設計需求擬定;3.營運合約兩造,應對營運標的與項目建立共識;4.以「育成」理念機制輔導營運團隊的整合為切入點,建構修復再利用至委外營運機制的修正操作以為本文結論。 目前台灣各地文化資產再利用的委外營運館所,往往也是地區文化資產中較具市場競爭力的熱點所在,然而卻普遍存在著營運困境與停滯,對此本研究結論建議:1.館所再利用定位上應開放市場參與,尋求最適切的角色。2.館所空間營運型態因地制宜考量多樣化。3.館所經營團隊應有長期輔導育成的機制。4.館所委託營運合約應對等與尊重專業考量5.整合修復與再利用工程,營運團隊及早進場暖身,見證文資修復有利故事性的建構。


The preservation of historic space in Taiwan starts in the middle of 1970. After “historic buildings” which is added to “Cultural Heritage Preservation Act” at third times in millennium, the registered cases of historic sites and buildings has increased gradually. So far, the number of cases is over 1600. In this period, the perspective of preservation has been changed the showcase display to the life experience of spatial activation. As a result, the field of restoration turns into the demand of historic truth. This study is major in the cases of governmental charge which is delegating business, and the object is the museum of original space function which has changed now. In recent stage, the number of museum is about 8.3%. The number is small, but enough to be the leader of Cultural Heritage Preservation Act. In the competition of cultural marketing, official museum which is delegating business is the trend in the future. The contents of the first chapter are the motivation, purpose and methods of this study. The second chapter probes the discourses and laws of historic buildings re-use and delegating business by integrating and analyzing documents. The third chapter discusses the pros and cons in the Taipei four cases and Yunlin one case and cites the conclusion as the basic of subsequent chapters. The reasons why I choose these cases are that the Taipei cultural heritage museum is the most efficient sample of delegating business and has the complete composition of laws. The fourth chapter evaluates the feasibility of operation in the re-use cases and generalizes to three layers the location of investigation and planning, the value-added re-use of spatial restoration, and the management of delegating business. Furthermore, the three layers divided into fourteen factors of efficiency and evaluated the importance among the factors. How to evaluate the efficiency will be the key of cases in perspective of sustainable management. After operating and revising for many times, the importance of factors will decide the efficiency of the cases and become more objective. The fifth chapter proposes four items which are based on the re-use of restoration and delegating business: 1. Effective integration of preservation and re-use in process could save resource and promote efficient. 2. The team of official management should participate at the repair phase beforehand and study out the demand in operating angle. 3. The Operation contract responds items and goals of management and reaches consensus. 4. Taking counseling the integration of team in “nurture” sense as the point, in order to make the conclusion which explains the revision of re-use in restoration changing to delegating business. At present, the museums in Taiwan which are delegating business of cultural heritage re-use, are always the spot which are much competitive than others in regions. However, at the same time, there are ongoing predicament and stagnation in their management. The conclusion and suggestions based on what above mentioned: 1. Opening the marketing participation locates in the re-use field and seeks the most appropriate role. 2. The types of spatial management should be diversity and adapt to the local condition. 3. The team of official management might have the nurture and counseling system in long-term. 4. The contract of delegating business should be equalized and respect the professional consideration. 5. In the period of repair integration and re-use, the team of management has to participate in advance, in order to erect the narrative construction.


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