  • 學位論文


《Smiling Faces of People in Taiwan》—Oil Paintings by Shen Fang Ju

指導教授 : 陳世明


關於《台灣人笑顏》創作,本創作論述總共分為五個主要章節來闡述: 第一章<創作背景>,從自我的創作思想與學習歷程談起,對自己來說,繪畫創作是全然面對自我與人生的媒介,透過繪畫來認識、接受和肯定自身生命,藉以誠實地剖析自我,進而用繪畫呈現出自我對生命的努力、掙扎與心得,傳達出「活著真好」的理念。 第二章<創作主題>,主要在探討「笑顏」與「台灣人」兩大主軸。先是針對「笑」的研究,包含笑的定義與笑的科學研究等,並且探討笑對人生之必需,進而促使「笑顏」主題的確定。接下來,關於「人」的主題 ,是基於對人性的共通和人與人之間的情感著迷,再加上對於全球與台灣在地同胞的關懷,而著重「台灣人」做為繪畫的表現主題,也是自我紮根在這塊土地上的認同。 描繪這個時代台灣人的笑顏圖像,是積極肯定自我與認同台灣的做法,發現原本潛藏在生活中的美好特質、創造活潑正面的能量、鼓勵懷抱希望的力量,進而讓世界看到台灣的美好。創作初始,體現了自身生命之不足,結果竟然療癒了自身生命的缺口,讓生命能夠再度向前邁進,所以,也期許正面的能量能夠藉由圖象傳染、感動人們,也值得自己做為一輩子的努力方向。 第三章<創作形式與內容>,採用東方式思維與藝術內涵美感為創作觀主幹,長久以來,對於東方傳統精神與美感的渴慕,因此,是自然而然發展出來的,可以說是“水到渠成”,也是對自我認同與存在的忠實呈現。此外,也簡短的探討繪畫史上展現笑顏的人物畫。 第四章<創作材料與技法>,分析多年來創作的心得感想,以及這次「歡顏」系列主題的作品,特別是在基底材、創作技法及線條與上色的個人獨創繪畫語彙做剖析與整理,也是作為自我創作歷程的一個紀錄,並且期許將來後續的發展性。 第五章<作品說明>,主要針對2009年與2010年創作的十一件作品作個別的說明。


台灣人 笑顏 圖象 東方思維 傳統精神 人物畫 油畫 創作 獨創


There are mainly five chapters in this essay of my artistic creation “Smiling Faces of People in Taiwan”. Chapter one is “Background of My Creative Work” which begins with my creative thoughts and learning experiences. To me, painting is a medium of facing myself and life. Through painting I come to know, to accept and to confirm my own life, therefore, to analyze myself honestly, and then present my efforts, struggles and what I have learned. It’s great to live—that’s the concept I want to convey. The second chapter “Topic of My Creative Work” probes into “Smiling Faces” and “People in Taiwan” these two main subjects. First is to ascertain the study about “smiling and laughing”, including its definition and scientific research, also how it’s needed in our lives. Next is about the subject “human being”, my fascination towards common human nature and emotions between people, plus my concern of the fellow folks in Taiwan and all over the world. Emphasizing the topic of “People in Taiwan”, my paintings are the identification of my root on this land. Painting the smiling faces of people in Taiwan at this time and age is a way to affirm and identify Taiwan actively. It’s to discover the fine qualities hidden in our lives, to create lively positive energy, to encourage the power of embracing hopes, and to let the world see the beauty of Taiwan. At the beginning when starting my work, I experienced my inadequacy but later surprisingly began to fill up the gap in my life, allowing me to go on again. Hence I’m hoping the positive energy can communicate and affect people throughout paintings, which is the direction worth my whole life efforts. “Style and Content of My Creative Work” as chapter three introduces the main line of my concept of painting: orient thinking and aesthetic cultivation. For a long time I admire the traditional eastern spirit and beauty. Accordingly, after conditions are ripe, I develop them naturally as a truthful display of my self identity and existence. In addition, there is a brief study of portraits with smiling or laughing faces in the painting history. Chapter four “Materials and Techniques of My Creative Work” is the analysis of what I’ve learned and thought while painting all these years, as well as the topic of this “smiling and laughing faces” painting series. This chapter is the examination and arrangement of my original painting vocabulary, especially on the basic materials, painting techniques, lines and coloring. It’s also an expectation of my future development. Chapter five is “Interpretation of My Creative Work” that specifically states out my eleven works from 2009 to 2010.


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