  • 學位論文


Artist’s Description of Tainan: I-Fen Kuo’s Version

指導教授 : 朱哲良


「一府二鹿三艋舺」,台灣諺語指出台南是台灣最早發展的城市。台南從荷蘭東印度公司開鎮「大員」 ,明鄭時期建城奠定政經中心地位,歷經清朝築城開發,日本時代奠定城鎮規模,並營建為現代化城市,加上二戰後至今七十年建設,府城經歷各世代經營,累積多種文化,成就今日在台灣歷史淵源,其文化根基地位不容忽視。本文係以筆者出生地台南作為創作研究對象,觀察自身關心的歷史建築、社區街道、安平港口等生活環境,輔以閱讀相關文獻資料,透過個人經驗、觀察、攝影、描繪,再將蒐集所得,加以整理、比較與分析,最終轉化為個人創作呈現。本創作論述主要範圍聚焦於台南府城人造環境、人文特色,選定代表性景觀、建築,作為繪畫題材。 本創作論述主要面向為:(1)現代都市住宅空間抽離地方感,導致缺乏地方認同。(2)台南地方特有景觀與歷史空間。(3)台南歷史建築物再利用。(4)舊街區風貌蛻變及新文創產業轉化。(5)個人回憶融入古蹟建築園區,創造人文懷想空間與情調。 創作作品上筆者以《都市建築.立面意象》及《台南鄉土景觀》二組主題作為繪畫表現形式。繪畫風格上也略分為「抽象色面構成」與「具象象徵寫意」二個面向,希望彼此之間依然有理念與創作技法上的呼應。


According to the old saying in Taiwanese, Tainan was one of the earliest cities, if not the earliest, being developed in Taiwan history. Around 1620, ‘Vereenigde OostIndische Compagnie’ from ‘De Republiekder Zeven Verenig de Nederlanden’, the Nederland in nowadays, founded ‘Tayouan’ town, a name sounded like Taiwan. It laid the foundation of the political and economical hub in Taiwan during the Kingdom of Tungning, late Ming dynasty. Afterward, Tainan gained its current name and turned into a modern city under 50 years of Japanese colony before the end of World War II. It has been 70 years since then that Tainan has experienced development in generations and has accumulated multiple cultures to achieve its status of being a historical resource and cultural roots in Taiwan. This discourse based on the living experience that author has had, as a native local, to study Tainan city. The study methodology focused on observation onto living environment in Tainan such as historical buildings, community neighborhood, Ann-Ping harbor, and so on. Enhanced with reading related documents, books and periodicals and deepened by personal scrutiny including photographs, drawings and notes as raw materials for further presentation in paintings. There are five main researching aspects of the discourse: 1) diluting sense of place in housing space of a modern city leading to poor recognition of locality, 2) unique landscapes and historical sites in Tainan, 3) reuses of old buildings in Tainan, 4) the changes and transformations of old neighborhoods into new communities providing cultural consumption, and 5) melting personal memories into historical building sites and to create places of humanity with romantic tones. The author has created two sets of paintings, “architectural facets of urban buildings” and “vernacular landscapes in Tainan” to express artistic ideas. These two sets of paintings could be roughly divided into “abstraction-color structure” and “figurative-symbolic description” in styles. Hopefully, there exist connections in techniques and concepts between them. . Keywords: Tainan streetscape, Tainan historical site painting, Building-scape


4.李嘉亮(2005)《台灣漁港圖鑑》。臺北: 城邦集團貓頭鷹。
