  • 學位論文


The Influence of Taiwanese New Immigrant Women from Southeast Asia involved in Voluntary Service on their Self-Growth – an Example of South Area in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳儀珊


本研究主要目的在探討東南亞新移民女性之個人特質、參與志願服務狀況變項對自我成長有無顯著影響。歸納研究結果,提出具體建議,作為服務運用單位工作之參考。本研究從新移民女性特質、志願服務之意涵與理論、女性與新移民女性參與志願服務之相關研究四個方面進行文獻探討,採用問卷調查法,以屏東、高雄、台南三個縣市的新移民女性志工為研究對象,共得有效樣本94份;依據受試者填答結果,再分別以平均數、標準差、皮爾遜積差相關、t檢定和單因子變異數等統計方法,進行資料處理,並獲得以下結果與建議: 一、研究結果 (一)新移民女性志工之參與志願服務的狀況,與自我成長有相關。 (二)新移民女性志工之個人背景變項與自我成長變項部分達到顯著 差異。 (1)新移民女性志工的年齡和國籍變項與自我成長無顯著差異。 (2)新移民女性志工的華裔、教育程度、來台前的認知情況、來 台後的學習狀況及婚姻媒介等變項,在其自我成長上具有顯 著差異。 (三)新移民女性志工之參與志願服務變項與自我成長變項部分達到 顯著差異。 (1)新移民女性志工的服務時數變項與自我成長無顯著差異。 (2)新移民女性志工的服務消息來源、服務動機、服務項目、服 務年資及家人支持程度等變項,在其自我成長上具有顯著差 異。 二、建議 (一)對新移民女性志工服務運用單位的建議 (1)多方宣傳新移民女性參與志願服務的活動訊息。 (2)培力新移民女性志願服務的自主團體。 (3)提供新移民女性志工自我成長的培訓課程。 (二)對新移民女性志工的建議 (1)新移民女性志工應持續參與志願服務,累積學習資糧,增強 權能。 (2)新移民女性應鼓勵並邀請身旁的姊妹朋友加入志願服務的行 列。 (三)對新移民女性志工家庭的建議 (1)夫家成員應支持新移民女性參與服務。 (2)夫家成員應給予新移民女性拓展人際網絡的空間。


The aim of this study is to discuss whether the personal character and the conditions of volunteer service of the Taiwanese new immigrant women from Southeast Asia have significant influence to the self-growth. The result will be analyzed and proposed as a reference for the use of organizations. The research is based on the literature review of the following four parts: the new immigrant women’s character, theories of voluntary service, and women and the new immigrant women's participation in voluntary services. In this study, the researcher used a questionnaire survey method and selected the new immigrant women living in Pingtung, Kaohsiung and Tainan County as subjects. According to the 94 valid questionnaires collected by the researcher, the analysis used average, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation, t-test and one-way ANOVA to analyze the data, and found the following results and made some recommendations as below. 1. Research results: (A)The conditions of the new immigrant women volunteer service had a significant correlation with the self- growth. (B)The variables related to the new immigrant women volunteers’ personal backgrounds had a partial significant difference with the self-growth. (1)The variable related to the new immigrant women volunteers’ ages and nationality had no significant difference with the self-growth. (2)The variables related to the new immigrant women volunteers’ racial background, educational level, cognition before coming to Taiwan, learning conditions in Taiwan and marital media had a significant difference with the self-growth. (C)The variables related to the conditions of the new immigrant women volunteer service had a partial significant difference with the self-growth. (1)The amount of the new immigrant women’s volunteer service hours had no significant difference with the self-growth. (2)The variables related to the activities information resource, service motivation, service contents, years of service and the level of the new immigrant women volunteers’ family support had a significant difference with the self-growth. 2. Recommendations (A)For the use of the new immigrant women’s organizations (1)It is important to advertise the voluntary activities held for the new immigrant women. (2)It is important to empower the new immigrant women and establish the autonomy of voluntary service groups. (3)It is important to provide the new immigrant women volunteers with the self-growth training courses. (B)For new immigrant women volunteers (1)New immigrant women volunteers should continue to involve in voluntary services for enhancing their learning experiences and empowering women themselves. (2)New immigrant women should encourage and invite their friends to attend the voluntary activities. (C)For the new immigrant women volunteers’ families (1)The husband's family members should support the new immigration women to attend the voluntary activities. (2)The husband's family members should give their wives the freedom to expand their interpersonal network.


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