  • 學位論文


Exposure Assessment of Heavy Metals for Workers in Alloy Manufacturing Factories

指導教授 : 許憲呈


在合金製造過程中,為提高產品的耐腐性、耐磨性及抗氧化性,工廠會視需求而添加錳、鉻、鎳、銅與鈷等重金屬物質。重金屬在工業上廣被使用,重金屬不僅與嚴重的環境污染有相關,而且會引起勞工的健康問題。 本研究共完成三家合金製造工廠採樣,A廠共採集14個區域樣本及7個尿液樣本;B廠共採集7個個人樣本及33個區域樣本、7名作業勞工的尿液樣本及4個行政區的尿液樣本;C廠共採集23個區域樣本、21名作業勞工的尿液樣本及4個行政區的尿液樣本。 樣本中金屬濃度以感應耦合電漿質譜儀(ICP/MS)進行分析,結果發現現場空氣金屬濃度皆低於法規容許濃度值,而行政區的空氣中金屬濃度也都比作業現場的濃度低。A廠中鐵的濃度(421.90 g/m3)以後處理區較高,B廠熔爐區鋅的濃度最高(145.24 g/m3),在熔爐區附近的區域也具有較高鋅濃度。C廠有勞工的尿液樣本中鉻及鎘濃度高於ACGIH所建議BEI值(25 及5 ug/gCr)。 金屬成分的濃度分析結果顯示現場空氣濃度皆低於法規容許暴露值,而行政區的空氣中金屬濃度也都比作業現場的濃度低。健康風險評估依照美國環境保護署(United States Environmental Protection Agency, USEPA)「暴露評估標準」,進行個人終身致癌風險,三廠Cr6+的致癌風險(cancer risk, CR)超過一般可接受致癌範圍10-5~10-6;A及C廠Mn非致癌風險的危害指數(Hazard Index, HI)超過標準值1。


The process of alloying is used to change the chemical composition of steel and improve its properties over carbon steel or adjust them to meet the requirements of a particular application by adding manganese, nickel, copper or chromium elements. Because of the emmision of metal dust during the manufacturing process, the workers will expose to high concentration of metal dust and increase the health risk. Three alloy manufacturing plants were chosen in this study. 14 area samples and 7 urine samples were collected from plant A. In B plant samples included 7 personal and 33 area air samples,7 worker urine samples and 4 administrative worker urine samples. C plant’s samples were collected from 23 area samples, 21 labor urine samples and 4 administrative regions urine samples. The metal concentrations of these samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP/MS). The metal concentrations in workplace were lower than those of permissible exposure limits. The metal concentrations in the administrative area were also lower than those in the workplace. The iron level was 421.90 g/m3 in post-treatment area of plant A. The zinc level was 145.24 g/m3 in smelting area of plant B. The place near the smelting area had higher zinc concentration. The results of urine samples of plant C indicated that the concnentrations of chromium and cadiumin some workers’ urine samples were higher than those BEI recommended by ACGIH.(25 and 5 ug/g Cr). The metal concentrations in air were lower than those of permissible exposure limits. The metal concentrations in the administrative area were lower than those in the workplace. According to the guidelines for exposure assessment, issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), health risk assessment indicated the cancer risk of Cr6+ exceeded acceptable cancer risk standard (10-5~10-6) for three plants. And hazard index of manganese at A and C plants exceeded the acceptable standard, 1.


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