  • 學位論文


The Research of the Prison Privatization

指導教授 : 謝介仁 何嘉惠


為改善監獄擁擠問題,「監獄民營化」或許是可行的方向之一。1980年代美國在面對日益惡化的監獄人口爆增危機時,在「減少施政成本」及「提高服務效能」的雙重困境下,造成民營監獄之蓬勃興起,英國、澳洲也有民營監獄,台灣可參考外國經驗,吸取優點、改進缺點,以突破當前之獄政困境。 台灣自1989年起亦積極推動公營事業民營化運動,監獄等犯罪矯正機構可以考量將輕微案件或再犯可能性較低的老人犯、過失犯、女性從犯,或目前已屬低度管理的外役監獄等,先小規模試辦民營化,以紓解監獄超額收容的問題。 本研究參考許多國內、外監獄民營化的相關文獻,並進一步作深度訪談,以瞭解目前國內矯正機構的問題,及國外的經驗作法,然後擬定具體建議如下: 壹、修改法令,賦予監獄矯正機構民營化之法源依據。 貳、取得民意溝通及政府的支持。 參、建立完整的監督制度,定期評估成效。 肆、加強人員晉用及教育訓練。 伍、訂定設立資格條件及業務範圍。 陸、訂定獎勵措施及罰則。 柒、小規模漸近式的「試辦」監獄民營,再評估效益。 或許台灣目前對於監獄民營化尚有許多的顧慮與困難,也尚未到達監獄非民營化不可的局面,但未雨綢繆,及早規劃一套可行的方案備用,以減輕政府的負擔與難題。


To ameliorate the over-crowded problem, ”Prison Privatization” might be a possible option. In the 1980s, American Government faced aggravating over-crowed crisis. ”Prison Privatization” was then introduced at the demand of “reducing administration cost” and “enhancing service effectiveness.” The United Kingdom and Australia also adopted the similar measure. Taiwan can learn from these experiences and develop its own method to tackle the problem. Since 1989, Taiwan began to privatize the state-own businesses. Correction institutions should consider starting the privatization in cases like minor offenses, elder prisoners with low possibility to recidivism, female prisoners or open prisons, which are currently under low level of supervision. Small scale of privatization can be done as a test, with an attempt to solve the over-crowded problem. This research reviewed domestic and foreign relevant literature on the subject, and did depth interviews in order to realize the problems that local correction institutions face, and understand foreign experiences and methods. The proposal of this research is as follows: I.)Amend legislation to provide the legal basis for the privatization of correction institutions. II.)Get the public opinion and the Government’s support. III.)Establish a comprehensive supervision system and inspect the result periodically. IV.)Strengthen the recruitment and training. V.)Set qualifications of privatization and the scope of business. VI.)Set encouragement methods and punishment. VII.)Launch the small-scale testing prison privatization and evaluate the effectiveness. There are still many doubts and difficulties for the “Prison Privatization” in Taiwan. The Taiwan government is not obliged to adopt the “Prison Privatization” now either. But the government has to prepare earlier to decrease the future burden and difficulty.


2、Ammons, David ,Richard W. Campell ,& Sandra L. Somoza,

