  • 學位論文


Effectiveness Analysis of Mobile Water Spray System in Flashover Scenario

指導教授 : 何三平


本研究以圓錐量熱儀(Cone)進行實驗後發現,輻射熱通量將因受風冷卻影響而有低估之現象,且當輻射熱越大,受風冷卻之影響越為明顯,因此發展出一套可於不同風速下推估原始輻射熱通量之預測模式,以供搶救參考。 此外,我們以一長、寬、高分別為12m、2.6m、2.5m之多重情境火災模擬器進行輻射熱危害安全距離之實測得知,距火災模擬器開口面1公尺至4公尺處之輻射熱通量分別為4.1kW/m2、3.3kW/m2、2.1kW/m2及1.15kW/m2,故於火災模擬器之應用方面,人員可身著消防衣於距火場1公尺處進行細水霧系統之放射及搶救訓練,但需注意火舌流竄之危害,以避免造成人員或裝備之損傷而減低搶救能量。 最後,以中型火災模擬器模擬實際火場進行實驗,該模擬器之實際尺寸為長3m、寬1.8m、高1.9m,當火場達閃燃要件之情境下進行水霧系統之放射時,相較水柱與細水霧得知,細水霧的確可有效降低火場內部整體之溫度,使溫度低於NFPA265所定義閃燃現象的500至600℃,達到利用細水霧抑制閃燃之效。實驗中亦可發現,細水霧之選用應採高壓力,且K值小之系統,並於順風狀態下,由火勢較小處進行放射,如此細水霧較能伴隨被吸引之空氣(Entrain air)進入較大火勢之火源根部(Firebase)進行冷卻,達到快速冷卻火場溫度之效用,而水柱則應直接攻打火勢較大處,抑制其成長,以達降溫之效。


The heat flux gauge is used to measure the heat flux from a fire source but it is affected by the wind strength around the gauge. A correlation is developed to predict the wind effect for a heat flux measurement. A fire simulator with 12m*2.6m*2.5m dimension is developed to simulate industrial fire scenarios. The heat flux is measured with 4.1 , 3.3 , 2.1 , and 1.1 at 1m , 2 m, 3m, and 4m distance from the opening of the simulator respectively. A trainer standing at 1 m wearing fire fighting clothing would not be hurt in the training activity. Another 3m*1.8m*1.9m fire simulator is used to evaluate the cooling effect of water system in flashover scenarios. The water mist has better cooling effect than water stream in this test. The water entered with air and a water mist with a higher pressure is found to be a better cooling effect. The water mist provides a better cooling effect if it is applied to a smaller fire spot and a water stream has a better cooling effect when it is applied to a lager fire location.


【4】 張冠吾,火災模擬方法應用於消防滅火訓練設施設計之研究,國立臺灣大學化學工程學研究所碩士論文,2006
【36】 林明勳,長公路隧道縱式通風排煙系統之性能化分析,長榮大學職業安全與衛生學系所碩士論文,2006。
【5】 SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering,“Estimating Temperatures in Compartment Fires”, Third Edition,
【12】 T.E. Waterman,“Room flashover-criteria and synthesis”, Fire Technology, 4, 25-31.
【20】 NFPA750,“Standard On Water Mist Fire Protection Systems”, 2003 edition.


