  • 學位論文


The Extinguishing Performance of Water Mist System with Additives in Transformer Box Fires

指導教授 : 何三平


針對移動式細水霧滅火系統加入泡沫添加劑用於電器火災漏電測試比較。在一密閉實驗空間,藉由針對細水霧滅火系統在三種不同噴頭流量為13Lpm、6.4Lpm、20Lpm下、放射距離為1.8m、2m、4m、加入三種不同添加劑,進行漏電測試比較。 在研究結果中發現,x號細水霧噴頭,流量13Lpm下,在1.8m放射距離下,在使用清水與其他A、C、D泡沫添加劑下,其漏電時間則維持5min內皆不會產生漏電,適合用於電氣火災滅火。y號細水霧噴頭,測試在1.8m放射距離下之漏電情形,實驗結果發現A泡沫添加劑於3分鐘內後會產生漏電,C泡沫添加劑能於5分鐘內皆不會產生漏電之情形。因此在針對細水霧系統使用含添加劑用於電氣火災滅火應選用C泡沫添加劑,避免造成提早漏電之情形。z號細水噴頭,流量20Lpm,其細水霧噴頭設計,放射水霧朝中心點集中,因此z號細水霧噴頭,在4公尺之測試距離下,7秒就產生漏電情形。實驗結果顯示高流量之細水霧系統不適用於電器火災滅火。 在不同遮蔽率滅火效能研究探討,在遮蔽率為0%與25%情境下,x與z兩種噴頭之滅火能力因遮蔽阻礙情形較不顯著,因此滅火時間並沒有顯著的差異。當遮蔽率達到50%後,滅火效能值出現明顯之差異,而z細水霧噴頭之平均滅火時間為92.5秒,較x噴頭平均滅火時間115秒快,當遮蔽率達到64%後, z細水霧噴頭之平均滅火時間為127秒,較x噴頭平均滅火時間139.5秒快,因z細水霧噴頭之流量較x細水霧噴頭流量大,造成滅火較快之情形。在不同添加劑之細水霧滅火能力探討,由實驗結果顯示當遮蔽率增加至50%與60%時,其滅火能力明顯受到添加劑之影響,當加入A、C、D泡沫添加劑後滅火時間皆比清水還快,滅火效能有顯著提升,尤其C泡沫添加劑滅火效能最好。


細水霧 泡沫測試 漏電


The x nozzle discharging water, foam A, foam C, and Foam D to transformer box did not cause shortage during five minutes tests in 13 lpm flow rate and 1.8 meter distance between the nozzle and the box. The y nozzle discharging water and foam A did cause shortage in 3 minutes, but did not cause shortage for foam C. The nozzle z caused shortage in 7 seconds for the same condition tests. The results showed the high flow rate water mist nozzle is not appropriate for transformer fire suppression. The both x and z nozzle can suppressed the pan fire quickly for 0%and 25% shield rate of the pan surface area. The z nozzle suppressed the fire 92.5 seconds better than x nozzle in 115 seconds when the shield rate increased to 50% of the pan area. The 64% shield rate took more time to suppress the pan fire in 127 seconds for z nozzle and 139 seconds for x nozzle. The high flow rate of nozzle z could suppress fire quickly but caused shortage of the transformer box tests. The water mist with foam additives suppressed the pan fire faster than water mist alone in high shield rate of 50% and 60%. The best additive is foam C for these fire suppression tests among foam A, C and D.


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【2】 National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 750 “Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems.”, 2003.
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