  • 學位論文


The Study of Water Mist System with Additive for Wind Generator Fire Protection

指導教授 : 徐一量


風能為取之不盡、用之不竭的再生能源,風能由於在經濟上比其他再生能源更具有競爭潛力故能迅速發展。然而大型風力發電機(機艙)高度約在60至75公尺,若發生火災事故,搶救上有極大困難,為避免風力發電機火災事故一再發生,本文針對風力發電機內部構造進行了解,實驗是針對風力發電機火災以添加藥劑水霧測試滅火能力,因大型風力發電機體積過於龐大,所以用20呎貨櫃長模擬風力發電機的機艙,內部上方裝有細水霧噴頭以實施滅火,以高壓水管連接高壓幫浦加壓使水經由細水霧噴頭噴出時將水霧化以進行滅火動作。並以遮蔽物模擬風機內機組物件進行遮蔽物滅火測試以求系統更加完善。以求建立一套適用於風力發電機機艙之添加藥劑細水霧滅火系統。 關鍵詞: 細水霧、添加藥劑細水霧、風力發電機、火災防護


The phase out of halon production under the Montreal Protocol has led to intense research to find a replacement agent for fire protection. Through extensive research and testing, water mist systems have gained worldwide acceptance as an effective solution in many applications, such as those that involve flammable liquids, electrical equipment, semiconductor facilities, and outdoor transformers. The NFPA 750 standard defines “water mist” as a water spray discharged through a nozzle in which 99% of the water spray’s volume comprises water particles less than 1,000 microns in diameter. A water mist system combines the key suppression mechanisms of heat absorption, oxygen displacement and radiant heat blocking to control, suppress and extinguish fires. In addition, water mist systems provide the following advantages over other systems: superior fire suppression, smoke absorption capability, minimal water damage, non-toxicity, non-asphyxiating, and environmentally friendly. The worldwide increase in demands for water mist systems provides a unique opportunity for Taiwan’s water mist manufacturers to enter this competitive market. However, it is time-consuming and expensive to conduct fire tests overseas. This paper responded to industry’s needs to establish additive water mist technology for wind generator fire protection. Through series of fire tests, water mist system was proven to be effective system on wind generator fire protection. Keywords: water mist,Additive for water mist, wind generator, fire protection


19.UL ( Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.)
20.FM(Factory Mutual Research Corporation)
21.IMO(International Maritime Organization)
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紀淑梅(2014)。IFRS 7金融工具揭露議題及適用IFRSs之管理因應策略之研究 -以金融控股公司及銀行業為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.02486
