  • 學位論文


An Interpretation on John 4:1-42 by the Approach of Narrative Criticism

指導教授 : 莊雅棠


本論文旨在探討《約翰福音》4:1-42,以敘事批判法解讀經文的意義。 《約翰福音》4:1-42是《約翰福音》首次記載耶穌和猶太人以外羣體的接觸,同時向他們彰顯救恩之道。這對於猶太人或非猶太人都傳達了重要的意義。透過敘事批判法來解讀這段文本,我們可以發現底下五個要點: 一、神尋找真正敬拜者,耶穌為遵行神的旨意,「必須」經過撒瑪利亞,作成神的工。 二、敘加「雅各井」的安排,預告「羔羊婚宴」歡樂的結局,婦人帶來整個城鎮的「家人」(新娘)前來迎接彌賽亞(新郎)。 三、耶穌向婦人「取水」的目的,是耶穌「渴」了,他「渴」望不只猶太人來認識他,而是非猶太人都來認識他。 四、耶穌要婦人叫她的「丈夫」也一起來,目的是要喚醒她對於認識耶穌的「渴」望,好讓耶穌能讓她解「渴」,同時也滿足耶穌自己的「渴」。 五、「敬拜」是整個故事的核心。「敬拜」是人與神關係的連結。敬拜指向人心靈的「渴」望,也指出神的「渴」望。神渴望那些用「靈和真理」來敬拜祂的人。人需要「活水」,才能夠真正「敬拜」神,「敬拜」使人回轉歸向神。「活水」象徵著耶穌的身分,「食物」象徵耶穌的使命。耶穌以人類生命最基本的需求來教導婦人和門徒有關永生的真理。


This thesis aims at interpreting the meaning of John 4:1-42 by the approach of Narrative Criticism. It is in the 4:1-42, we find first time in the Gospel of John the narrative of Jesus’ contact with non-Jews people. For this reason, this narrative is significant for us to understand how Jesus brought salvation to non-Jews. To interpret this narrative-text by Narrative Criticism, I want to emphasize five points as follows: Firstly, God was looking for true worshipers. Jesus "must" go through Samaria in order to fulfill God’s mission. Secondly, "Jacob's well" at Sychar was symbolized as the joyful moment of the Lamb’s wedding. In this wedding, the woman brought her "Family", the people of entire town (bride), to meet with the Messiah (the groom). Thirdly, the reason that Jesus asked the woman for water is his “thirst” for people, both Jews and non-Jews, He wants them to come to him to take eternal life. Fourthly, Jesus awakened, by mentioning her husbands, the woman to know His "thirst" in order to quench her “thirst”. Fifthly, Worship is the key word of this narrative. Worship connects human beings and God, and it points to human being’s “thirst” and God's “thirst”. God thirsts for those who worships Him with spirit and truth, and human beings thirst for "Living Water" in their worship to God. Worship guides the spirit of human being to return to God. "Living Water" symbolizes the nature of Jesus' identity while “food" symbolizes His mission. Jesus taught, by using the metaphors of water and food, the Samaritan woman and his disciples the true meaning of eternal life.


Boers, Hendrikus. Neither on this Mountain nor in Jerusalem: A study of John 4. SBL Monograph Series no. 35 Atlanta, GA: Scholars, 1988.
Chatman, Seymour Benjamin. Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film. Ithaca, London: Cornell University, 1978.
Culpepper, R. Alan. Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel: A Study in Literary Design. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987.
Dodd, C. H.. The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel. England: Cambridge University, 1968.


