  • 學位論文


The Influence of Organizational Ethical Climate on Employees’Participation in Knowledge Management

指導教授 : 王馮永亢
共同指導教授 : 曾繁絹(Fan-Chuan Tseng)


對企業經營而言,二十一世紀是一個充滿挑戰與競爭的時代,由於資訊科技的蓬勃發展與網際網路的推波助瀾,如何提昇組織績效、營造學習型組織以維繫企業之永續經營,成為企業刻不容緩的使命。企業內部的組織文化型塑出員工的共同態度、價值觀和信念,以引導組織人力的行為和工作方式。此外,個人與組織在企業的運作上扮演非常重要的角色-個人和組織產生個人知識和組織知識,透過知識管理的實施,將有用的知識以外顯的方式儲存在企業內部,藉此衡量與提供回饋,進一步提高工作績效與企業的競爭力。整體而言,知識漸漸在各領域被視為價值創造的主要貢獻者,個人能藉由現場觀摩與實習等方式,學習到原本內藏在其他成員的隱性技能與知識。企業可以有效管理且運用個人所擁有的資訊及知識,促使企業的運作方式產生集體的革命性改變(Housel & Bell,2001)。 本研究主要探討成員對於組織倫理氣候的認知程度,及其對個人知識管理態度、參與知識管理的行為、知識管理滿意度和工作績效之間的關聯性。依據此五個構面設計問卷,以在職的員工採便利抽樣的問卷調查方式做調查。共回收348份問卷,扣除填答不完整和填答矛盾的問卷,共有51份無效問卷,有效問卷297份,有效問卷率達85.34%,最後進行敘述性統計、信度與效度檢驗和結構方程模式進行實證分析與假說驗證。希望透過本研究結果提供企業一個建立倫理氣候與知識管理策略之參考依據。


The 21st century is full of challenges and competition. Because of the emergent development of information technology and Internet, it has been an urgent issue for the most organizations to build a learning community so as to achive their objectives more effectively. Many studies have indicated the effect of organizational culture on the knowledge management, referring that the employees’ perceptions and behaviors are guided by their collective beliefs, and values. Within the context of knowledge management, both individual and organization put their effort to create, store, share, acquire and apply their private as well as common knowledge. However, the performance of organizational knowledge management may differ due to the different types of organizationa ethical culture. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships among five research constructs: organizational ethical climate, individual’s attitude toward knowledge management, knowledge management behavior, knowledge management satisfaction, and their job performance. Operational definitions about the five constructs mentioned above were developed through intensive literature review, and a questionnaire was designed afterwards. A survey was planned to conduct with the current employees by the convenience sampling technique. A total of 297 valid questionnaires were collected, and then were analyzed through statistical methods to assess the reliability and validity, and related hypothesis in the research model. We expect that the results of this research would be useful to the organization in the light of their knowledge management practice.




