  • 學位論文


Translated Text of the Air Accident Investigation in Chinese and Translation Critics

指導教授 : 李憲榮


本論文內容為筆者翻譯Air Accident Investigation(空難意外調查)一書的譯文,翻譯此書之過程,及翻譯時如何應用所學之翻譯理論,將原文翻譯成道地的中文。此外,文中也包含了筆者在翻譯本書之後的心得體會。 本文共分為五章,第一章為本論文的研究背景與目的;第二章簡單介紹了原作者、內容,並針對內容作一個簡短的書評;第三章為翻譯的事前準備工作及翻譯時所遵循的原則;第四章為中文譯文;第五章為本論文的重點,探討筆者在翻譯時所遇到的困難及解決的方式;最後一章則是筆者在完成譯作之後的心得與感想,此外,也將本書中遇到的航空專有名詞做一總整理。 翻譯本書除提供筆者練習翻譯技巧及實務的良好機會外,也期望本書能對航空界及對航空有興趣的讀者,盡一份棉薄之力。


This thesis contains a translated text of the Air Accident Investigation in Chinese by this author, the process of translating the Air Accident Investigation, the application of translation theories and techniques in translating this book, and the author’s thoughts about translating the book from English into fluent Chinese. This thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter One introduces the background and goal of this study. Chapter Two is a brief introduction of the book Air Accident Investigation and it’s author. Chapter Three focuses on the preparation process and principles applied in translating this book. Chapter Four is the translated text in Chinese. Chapter five is the core of this thesis, it discusses the issues arising during the translation process and the appropriate solutions to these issues. The last chapter offers the author’s thoughts and suggestions, followed by a bibliography and a list of proper nouns in the aviation industry . The translation of this book provides the author with an excellent opportunity of gaining more experiences in translation theory and practice. Furthermore, the author is also in the hope that the translation of this book should be helpful to the aviation industry and the readers of Chinese language who are interested in this field.


Nida and Taber, The Theory and Practice of Translation, Leiden: Brill, 1969.
1. Nida and Taber, The Theory and Practice of Translation, Leiden: Brill, 1969, P12.
2. 葉子南,《英漢翻譯理論與實踐》,台北:書林,民89。
3. 劉宓慶,《文體與翻譯》,台北:書林,民86。
