  • 學位論文


The Impact of Paternalistic Leadership Style on Leadership Effectiveness-----and Confirmation the Mediating Effect of Subordinate Affective Reaction

指導教授 : 劉家銘


摘 要 有關領導理論的發展,長期以來都以西方社會的價值觀為研究的出發點,及西方編製的研究工具來 驗證西方所發展出來的領導模式。由於東西方的文化背景仍然有許多的差異性存在,全然將西方學者所發展出來的研究工具與理論應用在華人企業的領導上,將無法有效的瞭解華人企業的領導模式與許多顯著而重要的現象。另一方面,過去 的研究者,對於領導行為與領導效能間的研究,亦大多著重在導者單方面的領導行為,而後再對領導效能作概括的論述。然而,領導作用能否發生,以及效果大小,並非由領導者單方面所決定。 有關領導風格的研究過去的研究顯示,大多以領導風格與達成組織目標,信任,組織承諾,領導效能為研究方向。鮮有針對領導風格與部屬情感反應如何影響個人表現作深入研究。 本研究主要目的在於探討家長式領導、部屬情感(挫敗)、部屬情感(樂觀)與領導效能之相關性研究,以台南縣消防局組織成員為樣本,透過問卷調查方式進行,共寄發310份研究問卷,回收有效問卷共247份。本研究透過SPSS 12.0統計軟體進行敘述性分析、信效度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及?歸分析;驗證本研究各變項間的因果關係。本研究之主要發現及其重要涵義,分別為: 1.家長式領導、部屬情感(挫敗)、部屬情感(樂觀)與領導效能等四 變項確實存在顯著影響關係。 2.部屬情感(挫敗)的中介效果存在於「家長式領導」與「領導效能」之間。 3.部屬情感(樂觀)的中介效果存在於「家長式領導」與「領導效能」之間。


Abstract When it came to the development of leadership theory, it started from the Western value as their research basis for a long time, and used the Western style research tools to verify the Western leadership style. Since the differences between Western and Eastern background, it was unable to totally apply the western-developed research tools and theory on the leadership of Chinese enterprises, for it would fail to effectively understand the leadership style and other significant phenomena. On the other side, previous researchers tended to focus on one-sided leadership behavior of the leader when doing research on leadership behavior and efficacy, and then made a broad conclusion on leadership efficacy. However, the effect of leadership and the magnitude of leadership were definitely not determined one-sidedly by the leader. According to the previous researches of leadership, most of them were based on research directions such like leadership style, achieving organizational goal, trust, organizational commitment and leadership efficacy. Few of them were focusing on the leadership and emotional reactions of subordinates to conduct research deeply. This main purpose of this research was to discuss the relativity among paternalistic leadership, subordinate’s emotion (frustration), subordinate’s emotion (optimism), and leadership efficacy. This research took the members of fire department in Tainan County as samples, delivered 310 portions of questionnaires to conduct survey, 247 valid questionnaires recycled. This research conducted descriptive analysis, validity analysis, reliability analysis, independent T-test, one-war ANOVA and regression through SPSS 12.0, to verify the causation among all the variables in this research. The results showed: 1.There existed significant relationships among paternalistic leadership, subordinate’s emotion (frustration), subordinate’s emotion(optimism), and leadership effectiveness. 2.The moderate effect of subordinate’s emotion (frustration) existed between “paternalistic leadership” and “leadership effectiveness.” 3.The moderate effect of subordinate’s emotion (optimism) existed between “paternalistic leadership” and “leadership effectiveness.”


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