  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Long-Term Noise Exposure and Hearing Loss for Workers in Petrochemical Plants

指導教授 : 吳俊德




The object of this study is to explore the association between noise exposure and hearing loss for the workers in petrochemical factories in southern Taiwan based on the environmental noise measurements of the factories and hearing loss levels of the workers. The data of environmental noise measurements for the factories during 2003 and 2012 were integrated to construct the contour maps of noise exposure levels. The information of the locations and times of performing the work tasks for the workers in a typical workday was collected. The noise exposure dose of each worker in each year was estimated restrospectively by taking the sum of the products of the noise exposure levels of the work locations and the times of the worker spending on the work locations. These noise exposure levels of the work locations were found from the contour maps of noise exposure levels constructed in each year. Based on the results of hearing loss examination in the year of 2003, univariate and multiple statistical analyses were performed to explore the relationship between hearing loss levels and noise exposure doses, and to develop the predictive model of hearing loss releveant to noise exposure. The results of univariate analyses of variance of age groups and work-year groups, respectively, versus noise cumulative exposure doses found that the means of noise cumulative exposure doses for different age groups and work-year groups showed statistically signidicant differences. The vaiances of the noise cumulative exposure doses explained by the age groups and work-year groups were 20.7% and 35.2%, respectively. The means of hearing loss levels also showed statistically significant differences in the age groups and work-year groups. But, the vaiances of the noise cumulative exposure doses explained by the age groups and work-year groups were only 9.4% and 6.4%, respectively. The analysis of multiple stepwise linear regression indicated that hearing loss levels were significantly associated with cumulative noise exposure doses, age, and work years. The p-values were 0.000, 0.003 and 0.037, respectively, and the variance explained by the whole model was 19.1%. The further univariate analysis of covariance with repeated measures showed that individual noise exposure dose, noise exposure years and age groups were associated with hearing loss levels (F-value < 0.01). This model of analysis of covariance could also only explain a small proportion (15.8%) of the variability of hearing loss levels and a large proportion of this unexplained. An interesting finding was that when the workers were exposed to noise for more than six years, the estimated marginal means of hearing low levels were significantly increased. This indicated the noise exposure years and age groups had important influence on the estimation of hearing loss levels. The results of this study can provide useful information on the developlemt of hearing loss due to long-term noise exposure and the establishment of the control and management strategies of occupational noise exposure.


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