  • 學位論文


Manpower Dispatch Utilization Research in Enterprise Labor Management Relation Influence - Take the Chinese Jiangsu Suzhou Industry Garden Area as the Example

指導教授 : 陳俊郎
共同指導教授 : 顏義文


中國,一個許多企業家以為廉價勞力源源不絕的世界工廠,已經漸漸面臨經營環境快速變化以及全球化的競爭壓力,新的人力資源管理策略在沿海一帶知識社會發展競爭過程中極為重要,人力資源彈性運用於是成為人力資源管理的關鍵組成因素。 本研究主題為人力資源彈性化趨勢下產物-人力派遣。此一新的任用方式在中國企業中造成之勞資關係研究,以中國江蘇蘇州工業園區為例。 本研究採質化的研究方法,找尋相關文獻資料,依據文獻資料,作為設計訪談內容依據。本研究主要研究對象包括了中國江蘇蘇州工業地區的派遣企業、要派企業和派遣勞工,討論此三方之勞資關係並獲得以下結論: 一、中國派遣公司經營者可思考未來的發展方向 二、中國派遣產業應運用差異化策略提升人力資源價值 三、對於中國此新用工人方式給予建議,期待可以達到三贏


China is facing extreme competitions due to the radical change in business environment and the power of globalization while managers consider the supply of the cheap labor is still inexhaustible. A new strategy of human resource management, such as flexible human resource management, applied in the coastal areas, has shown its significance and has become a key factor. This paper emphasizes that the labor dispatching is one of the product of flexible human resource management and will be a new assignment method among labor relations. This paper explores the applications of labor dispatching in Suzhou industry area in Jiangsu and concludes main findings as following: 1. Managers in the dispatching enterprises should focus on the long-term development. 2. Differentiation strategies should be applied to promote the values of human resource. 3. Offering proper suggestions to achieve win-win-win situation among owners, labors and dispatching enterprises for Chinese authorities in the utilization of labor dispatching.


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