  • 學位論文


Simplification Strategies in Subtitling: A Case Study of “ 2 Broke Girls”

指導教授 : 高煥麗


摘要 隨著科技的日異月新以及網際網路的快速發展,觀眾欣賞外國影集的需求也隨之高漲。此外,影集的收看方式也不再侷限於電視節目、DVD,或者是租借等方式。反之,觀眾可以透過網路平台取得外國影集的片源和字幕,進而也帶動了網路字幕組(fansub group)的發展。因此,字幕翻譯的重要性也日漸獲得重視。 有鑑於此,本研究以美國喜劇《追夢女孩》(“2 Broke Girls”)為研究語料,並且以Blum-Kulka和Levenston (1978)提出的六項簡化策略(上位詞、近似詞、同義詞、迂迴與釋義重述、移轉、詞義反轉)來探討《追夢女孩》DVD中文字幕翻譯與網路字幕翻譯在簡化策略上的異同。再者,《追夢女孩》在性質上屬於喜劇類型,因此對話內容較為輕鬆、不拘小節,而且時常出現語氣詞(discourse markers)、文化詞以及語言幽默,所以本研究也加以探討DVD與網路字幕組在處理上述翻譯問題時所採取的手法。 最後,本研究發現以往簡化策略被視為字幕翻譯的首要原則,但是本研究發現,當遇到富有幽默元素的內容時,若採取簡化策略,有時無法完整傳達出原文的幽默之處,因此本研究發現,在處理幽默元素的內容時若能輔以顯化原文內容,達到內容簡化之效,進而有助於觀眾理解原文。


字幕翻譯 簡化 顯化 語氣詞 文化詞 語言幽默


Abstract With the rapid growth of technology and the Internet, people’s demand for watching foreign films is increasing. Besides, rather than watching them through television and DVD, people can enjoy them through online sources. Hence, the emergence of “fansub group” can be attributed to above reasons. Furthermore, people begin to pay attention to the quality of subtitling. In light of the increased importance of subtitling, the study studied the subtitles of American comedy “2 Broke Girls”, aiming to investigate and discuss the differences between translations of DVD and “fansub group’s using six simplification strategies proposed by Blum-Kulka and Levenston (1978), including “hypernymy”, “approximation”, “synonymy”, “circumlocution and paraphrase”, “transfer”, and “converseness”. In addition, due to the characteristics of the comedy, the source text contains many “discourse markers”, “culture-specific items”, and “linguistic humor”. Thus, these characteristics in subtitling were discussed. In conclusion, the results of the study shows that simplification strategy applied in subtitling may lead to the loss of humorous elements. Therefore, explicitation and adding background information may also be needed to create humorous effects and enhance the readability of subtitles.


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