  • 學位論文


A Study on Supply Chain-based Disaster Management for Establishing-The Case Study of Optoelectronics Industry

指導教授 : 邵珮君


群聚(cluster)效應為台灣高科技產業成功因素之ㄧ,因業者彼此間相當集中,故運輸之時間與成本相對降低許多,因此具有保持生產彈性及成本等優勢。 本研究之目的在探討供應鏈下企業營運之持續防災建置現況及供應鏈中光電產業之企業防災管理策略,故嘗試以中心廠商與其供應商形成之供應鍊網絡為對象,藉此探討其企業營運持續管理(Business Continuity Management, BCM)防災的建置現況,期能有效降低災難事故發生之衝擊。因管理需求層面廣泛,其中不僅包含操作的技術與手法,尚還涉及公司的政策面與績效衡量的體系,故透過質化研究的深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,將實際情況適度的呈獻於本研究中。初步成果歸納如下: 1.園區廠商結構具有逐漸從系統朝向上下游相關產業發展的趨向,因而產業防災環境的特性日益複雜,導致不可預期之災害發生因素極速增加,也間接影響企業營運持續。光電產業因資本及技術密度高,所以公司高層主管對於防災建置投入相當大的心力,目前台南科學園區除了有聯防組織外,各廠間相互支援系統也有陸續增加現象。 2.供應鏈的相關防災建置管理,除了提供公司保險及ISO認證外,並可藉由年度廠商行為規範同意書來選擇合作對象的淘汰與合作,同時建立第二供應廠商藉以預防供應端問題產生,確保降低災害發生帶來的衝擊。然而目前光電產業與供應商間聯繫部門大多以採購或廠務為主,環安僅被動的進行管理,因此可能造成資訊傳達上之落差,進而增加防災之風險。


Abstract Cluster-effect is one of the successful factors in Taiwan’s high-technology industry. The vicinity where industries gathered massively can significantly reduce time and cost spent in transportation. Therefore, advantages such as production elasticity and low cost can be kept to some extents. The purpose of this study was to address the current situation of establishment and strategy-management of disaster prevention for optoelectronics industry in Taiwan. Taking as study object the supply chain kept by the industry and its suppliers to analyze the current situation of establishment of disaster prevention in Business Continuity Management (BCM), which was expected to reduce the damage caused by disastrous incidents. The related fields involved in this management were multiple, not only included the technological skills and specific means, but also the strategy-adaption and performance-management of the industry. For these reasons, the study was processed in the way of in-depth interview by which to gather the qualitative information and describe the current situation as realistically as possible. The primary findings are listed as below. 1. The structure of industries located in Science Park has the development-tendency of vertical extending to relevant branch-industries. As the reason, the disaster prevention designed for industry was going to be complicated, and therefore the phenomenon caused most of unpredictable disasters to happen suddenly, even worse, which could give an unpredictable influence on industry-operation. Since High-Tech instruments are hard to be protected when a disaster comes, the senior managers of optoelectronics industry tried to establish the enterprise disaster prevention with all of strengthen. Besides the original joint defense community in Southern Taiwan Science Park, more companies tried to join this mutual supporting system. 2. Establishing the disaster prevention management for supply chain not only provided the company insurance and ISO certification, but also helped to determine the collaborative partners with the usage of annual Cluster-effect which is one of the key successful factors of High-Tech Industry in Taiwan. At the same time, Building a secondary supplier used to prevent damages and to minimize the impact caused by disasters. However, in these cases study, optoelectronic industry focused more concentration on the communication relevant to matters of plant operation or procurement with their suppliers. However, the environment, health and safety (EHS) department was processed passively only as something happened. This may generate an information gap between the industry and its suppliers and weaken the effectiveness of disaster prevention.


23.陳婉如,(2000),「科學園區光電顯示器產業分析」, 《PIDA》。
