  • 學位論文

彩色收縮膜印刷製程改善之研究- 以某包裝科技公司為例

A Study on the Improvement for Color Shrink Film Printing Process of a Packaging Technology Company

指導教授 : 吳建瑋 博士


隨著凹版印刷產品的應用領域越來越廣泛,印刷的技術不斷的提高,消費者對於凹版印刷產品品質的要求也越來越嚴格。雖然國外有很多的學者在凹版印刷的品質控制檢測方面已經做了很多的研究,但是對於國內印刷的品質控制這方面人員還是缺少。為了進一步對凹版印刷產品的品質進行控制,本論文在瞭解了當前凹版印刷行業發展的現況以及即有問題的基礎上,設計出一種快速有效的問題改善對策以提高印刷品質及良品率。 首先在緒論部分,本論文的研究背景及動機、方法及目的、關於凹版印刷的研究綜述以及本論文研究的主要內容和框架進行分析。然後分析了凹版印刷品質相關的概念及理論,接著主要分析個案公司凹版印刷品質控制的現狀以及凹版印刷產品主要存在的品質問題。凹版印刷主要存在的品質問題包括:背膠和溶劑殘留、拖線、晶點缺失、墨點污染和色差。提出凹版印刷品質控制的方法和對策。研究方向會以 : 一 .以印刷品質不良導致浪費各項成本為改善目標 二 .以印刷人員教育訓練及分級制度 三 .制定印刷標準化作業流程 為了堅守效率與品質的穩定且可靠的產品,依據 PDCA的規劃(Plan)、執行(Do)、查核(Check)與行動(Action)的管理手法可被應用於持續推動個案公司效率與品質等各方面的改善。本研究針對此案例某包裝公司,透過各種改善方法不論是 PDCA 重點是在作廠內品質良率改善,所以本論文從印刷線的良率提升及節省工時等方向著手。


凹版印刷 拖線 晶點 色差 墨點污染 溶劑殘留


With extensive application of Intaglio printing and continuous improvement of Intaglio printing techniques, the quality demand for Intaglio printing products has become increasingly higher. Although many studies have been conducted to address test and control of Intaglio printing quality, there is still a lack of professionals specializing in printing quality control in Taiwan. For a better control of Intaglio printing quality, based on the current development and existing problems in the Intaglio printing industry, this study designed a quick and effective coping measure to improve the printing quality and yield rate. In the introduction section, the background, motivation, method, and objectives of this study, related studies, and the composition of this study were first described. Later, the concepts and theories about Intaglio printing quality were introduced. The concept of Intaglio printing, the meaning of printing quality, and control of Intaglio printing quality were covered. Next, the current quality control measures for Intaglio printing and the major quality problems in Intaglio printing were analyzed. The major problems included residual adhesives and solvents, drag outs, spherulite defect, ink splash, and color difference. For these problems, this study proposed quality control methods and coping measures. 1. Abusing various costs due to poor printing quality as an improvement goal 2. Education training and grading system for printing staff 3. Develop a printing standardization process To ensure efficiency and quality stability of Intaglio printing, the four-step PDCA management method (i.e. Plan, Do, Check, and Action) can be applied. This study used a packaging company as an example and used various approaches, including PDCA was intended to mainly address the yield rate of company’s products. Improving the yield rate and saving the operation time in printing were the primary focuses of this study.


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3. 狩野紀昭、簡春樁 (2005),「課程達成型 QC Story」,中衛發展中心。
4. 陳正哲 (2012),應用 QC-Story 改善玻璃基板之刮傷,逢甲大學工業工程與系統管理學碩士論文。
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