  • 學位論文

台灣科技產業如何吸引印度人才與其在台生活經驗研究: 以新竹科學園區為例

How Taiwan's Technology Industry Attracts Indian Talent and their Living Experiences in Taiwan :The Case Study of Hsinchu Science Park

指導教授 : 方天賜


台灣多年來是高科技電子與IC產業發展和生產重地,同時也是國家經濟發展的政策主線。對於產業人才的需求加上近年來政府新南向政策的實施, 許多新加坡、馬來西亞甚至是印度人才紛紛進入了台灣科技產業的勞動市場。尤其印度人才已然成為台灣科技公司獵才的最新目標,除了公司與政府政策影響以外,也因為印度人才同時具備專業的知識教育背景與英語能力,加上平均薪資所得要比日、韓、歐美、新加坡等國際人才更有競爭力。 近年來各大科技公司與政府合作,包括台積電、聯發科等台灣當地的科技龍頭企業,已有大規模的團隊至印度新德里、孟買等城市中一等的理工大學大舉做人才的招募與聘用,以及簽訂產學合作的計畫合約,並計劃在2017年後開出更多職缺名額欲大量聘用印度科技人才來台。而2017年鴻海集團也與印度政府簽署協議,預計投資新台幣1500億在印度增設廠房。不僅是印度人力在專業的質與量上有優勢,印度區域市場也是這些科技產業公司虎視眈眈欲拿下的下一個標的。所以除了這樣的跨國際人才招募,這些大型企業也已紛紛在印度班加羅爾、孟買、諾伊達等城市設立公司分部與工廠。 然而除了這些空降進入台灣市場的印度人力之外,近年申請來台大、清大、交大等大學的印度外籍生也是不斷趨勢上升增加,田野過程中也發現大部分印度外籍生對於進入台灣科技產業的工作市場也不排斥並保持樂觀態度。造成這樣現象的原因來自多方,無論是印度自身的勞動市場和社會經濟結構造成人力外流,或是台灣本地經貿發展與政策支持,印度人才進入台灣就業市場已然成為定局和趨勢。但這些印度人力進入了台灣就業市場的同時,也進入了台灣的地域文化。不但改變了台灣當地的科技產業趨勢,當然也壓縮了本地的高科技人才就業空間。 本研究採用深度訪談法及參與觀察法,以新竹科學園區這個台灣科技產業發展的重鎮中的印度科技工作者與台灣大學、清華大學、交通大學的印度籍學生作為研究主體。欲探討在這樣的社會現象中的因與果,並且去探討印度母國的社會經濟結構如何作為人才外移的推力,而台灣科技產業為何、如何需要這些人力資源,然而不僅是台灣社會,還有離鄉背井工作的印度人們又該如何消化這些社會與文化上的差異。


Taiwan has been the development and production of high-tech electronics and IC industry for many years, and it is also the main of policy for national economic development. With the demand for industrial talents and the implementation of New Southbound Policy in recent years, many Singapore, Malaysia and even Indian talents have entered the labor market of Taiwan's technology industry. In particular, Indian talent has become the most popular target of Taiwanese technology companies, in addition to the impact of corporate and government policies, but also because Indian talents have both professional knowledge and education background and English ability. The average salary of Indian talent is more competitive than talents from Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Europe and America. Whether India's own labor market and socio-economic structure cause this Brain Drain, or Taiwan's local economic and trade development policy support, it has become a foregone conclusion and trend for Indian talents to join the Taiwan labor market. However, while these Indian people joined to the labor market in Taiwan, they also joined the society of Taiwan. Not only has it changed the local technology industry, but it has also reduced the local high-tech talent employment space. This study uses in-depth interviews and participatory observation methods, the research subjects will focus on those high-tech Indian talents which working in Hsinchu Science Park , and Indian students from Taiwan University, Tsinghua University, and Jiaotong University. I want to explore the causes and effects in such social phenomena, and to explore how the social and economic structure of India's home country is the thrust of talent migration, and why Taiwan's technology industry needs these human resources, but not only Taiwan society, but also How can Indians who work in their hometowns digest these social and cultural differences?


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