  • 學位論文


Five Foreign Brides’ Story: An Ethnographic Study of Foreign Brides' Life Experience in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳祥水 陳中民


媒體上對外籍配偶的汙名化的報導,如她們教育程度低,她們的孩子課業差,常跟不上同學,外籍配偶經常造成社會問題等。她們卻經常是家庭的勞動者,為家庭付出勞動力;另一方面繁衍後代,是家庭生育的再生產者。筆者認為汙名化的標籤對她們不公平,無助於我們了解她們。因此本論文採訪了五位外籍配偶本人及她們的家人(先生、公婆、子女),收集和分析相關主題,如她們嫁到台灣的理由;她們如何經營家庭,她們與先生、公婆、子女和其他家族成員之間的相處;她們因應和適應台灣的生活的策略;她們的主體性和能動性,依這些主題來撰寫。 本研究以五位外籍配偶為研究對象之民族誌研究,以參與觀察和深度訪談為研究方法。所得之研究結果如下:1. 外籍配偶嫁來台灣的理由主要是解決家中的經濟問題,其它是基於傳統社會文化思維,如父母之命、門當戶對、孝順父母等。2. 外籍配偶嫁到台灣後,努力經營在台灣的家庭生活,改變自己以使夫妻、公婆、對孩子之教養與相處、與其他家族成員有更和諧的相處。並在生活作息、習慣和飲食文化上努力調適。3. 外籍配偶為因應和適應家庭生活上的問題,採取一是鞏固其在家庭場域的角力、二是爭取經濟的自主性、三是人際資源網絡的運用三種適應策略模式。4. 面對家人賦予的家庭照顧責任,她們的辛苦經常是被忽略的,當她們面臨勞務負擔過重無力承受,身體出現狀況後,她們的心聲才會家人被看見和聽見,她們才有說「不」和拒絕「家庭照顧」的合理性,同時她們採取弱勢者的姿態,以避免和家人發生衝突,維繫家人之和諧關係。


Foreign brides are usually stigmatized in Taiwanese new media. They are frequently depicted as poorly educated and their children are also described as having a poor learning ability; as a group, they are also frequently blamed as the source of social problem. In reality, however, they are usually the major bread-earners of their family; they are only work to produce income for their families, they also reproduce children for their family. The author of this thesis believes that the stigma was unjustifiable and decide to collect and analyzed the sociocultural backgrounds of five foreign brides and present ethnographic accounts of their life experience after they married into Taiwanese society. Using participant observation and in-depth interview as my research method, I have collected five detailed case studies and will present the research results in the following four areas: 1. The primary reason that prompted these foreign women to marry their Taiwanese husband. 2. How these foreign brides adapt to the new social environment after their marriage, how they adjust themselves to the Taiwanese familial and social contexts. 3. The adaptive strategies -- such as solidify their role within the family, developing the capability to become financially independence, cultivating social networks and creating a support group--- they have adopted. 4. How they cope with the overwhelming burden of being a major bread-earner as well as a caretaker of their family? How they play the role of a “disadvantaged” person to avoid conflict and maintain a harmonious domestic life.


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2006 The Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mila Glodava and Richard Onizuka
1994 Mail-Order Brides: Women for Sale. Fort Collins, Colorado: Alsken Inc.
