  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the Relationship between ITRI and Taiwan's IC Design Industry

指導教授 : 洪世章


本研究主要在回顧與探討工研院對於台灣IC設計產業所做的影響整個的歷程,共分為四大階段探討,分別為IC設計產業的未萌芽(~1980)、萌芽期(1981~1990)、少壯期(1991~2000)以及和青壯期(2001~2008)。在第一階段的未萌芽時期,當初台灣正要投入發展半導體產業,工研院成立之初,主要任務就是從國外引進IC的技術。從派遣團隊去RCA到成立聯華電子,為台灣建立IC產業的雛形,也為IC設計產業播下一顆種子。第二階段為萌芽期,工研院與國外學者交流中得知培養IC設計人才的重要性,便開始投入訓練訓練IC相關設計人才,從教育體系層面做起,為整個IC設計產業培植的厚實人才資源。除了人才方面,工研院衍生成立台灣積體電路公司,是全世界第一家晶圓代工的經營模式,激勵了整個IC設計產業的蓬勃發展。邁入第三階段的少壯期時,工研院對於紛紛成立的新創公司開放了一個窗口—¬開放實驗室,扶植新興IC設計公司。工研院的衍生公司聯電,也逐漸將其IC設計部門切割出去成立新的公司,為整個IC設計產業注入一股新活力。除此之外,工研院注意到了SoC的趨勢,積極的宣導SoC的概念並在內部成立晶片系統中心來推動一系列相關的活動。在第四階段的青壯期,工研院配合政府的計畫,並依循SoC的趨勢,來強化台灣IC設計產業的競爭力,如在南港成立IC設計育成中心、成立IP Qualification 標準制定聯盟等等,持續在台灣IC設計產業扮演著重要的角色。


This paper focuses on the relationship between ITRI and Taiwan’s IC Design Industry. The author separates the history to four periods to review. In the first period (~1980), ITRI was responsible to bring IC technology in Taiwan from RCA. Besides, ITRI set up UMC. In the second period (1981~1990), ITRI noticed the importance of IC design. Therefore, ITRI planned to train people with specialty in IC design. Besides, ITRI set up TSMC which is the first semiconductor dedicated foundry in the world. The establishment of TSMC enabled the rapid growth of the fabless semiconductor industry. In the third period (1991~2000), ITRI made effort to assist the growing emergence of IC design company, and open lap is one of the example. ITRI’s spin-off company (UMC) divided its IC design departments to build up new IC design companies like Mediatek. Besides, ITRI noticed the trend of SoC. Therefore, it was aggressive to promote the image of SoC. Moreover, in 2000, ITRI set up System-on-chip Technology Center (STC) to be responsible for the related activities. In the last period (2001~2008), ITRI still strived to make Taiwan more competitive in IC design industry such as Nankang IC Design Incubation Center, IP Qualification Alliance (IPQA), and etc.


ITRI IC design NIS


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