  • 學位論文


Analysis of Strategic Environmental Assessment for Emerging Low-Carbon Energy Technologies in Taiwan: By A Study on the Standards of Strategic Environmental Assessment for Emerging Low-Carbon Energy in the UK

指導教授 : 高銘志


2011年福島核災對全球之能源政策造成嚴重衝擊,台灣也不例外。福島核災後,政府於前年11月提出新能源政策,建立穩健減核之基本方向。為替補既有核電廠正常除役後所產生之電力缺口,再生能源勢必承擔重要之角色。而在所有再生能源當中,相關新興低碳能源的推展係為政府能源政策未來之發展主軸;其中,尤以離岸風力發電場、海洋能發電廠之設置,以及碳捕集與封存之示範計畫等新興低碳能源政策項目,為政府當前所亟欲付諸實現之能源政策措施。然而,除卻相關技術與資金等考量,單就現行法制面而言,相關低碳能源政策之推動與落實似皆由於台灣目前所施行之環境影響評估制度,而導致其推動窒礙難行。   反觀歐美之相關作法,特別是目前已完成設置世界最大離岸風力發電場,並且成功推動碳捕集與封存以及海洋能基地相關發展與建置之英國,可得知,政策環境影響評估制度乃是英國得以成功落實其低碳能源政策之主因。透過政府之預先環評,不僅能將環境影響因素納入政府政策中考量,以加速開發案之推動,以及能源政策目標之達成;另一方面,亦將有助於減少業者在開發過程當中進行個案環評之不確定性,同時並提高業者之投資安定性。   故本研究將透過探討英國之政策環境影響評估制度,同時研析英國針對新興低碳能源科技所為之政策環境影響評估案例(包括:離岸風力電場、碳捕集與封存、海洋能基地等建置計畫);更進一步,與台灣現行之政策環境影響評估機制比較對照,並分析台灣現有能源相關之政策環境影響評估案例,以英國就落實新興低碳能源科技所為之政策環境影響評估之作法為借鏡,思考如何將之整合納入我國政策環評機制之可能性,以協助台灣得以更快地實現發展相關新興低碳能源科技之目標。


Nowadays, the role of emerging low-carbon energy, such as offshore wind power, carbon capture and storage technology, or wave and tidal energy, is very central for the energy development of the world. Taiwan, with its significant resources, is a potential area for offshore wind power, carbon capture and storage technology, and wave and tidal energy development. In order to impetus to the developments of those emerging low-carbon energy technologies in Taiwan, the government must established the policy mechanisms related to emerging low-carbon energy technologies developments first. However, it is still none of achievements of those emerging low-carbon energy technologies development in Taiwan. Take the implementations on international (especially in UK, which has developed the largest offshore wind farm of the world) emerging low-carbon energy technologies development plans as examples, it is essential to be considered that the government always takes the lead on the strategic environmental assessment before they can carry out the development and construction work in UK. Nevertheless, being followed by complete and rigorous consideration for the development of those emerging low-carbon energy technologies guidelines caused by minimizing the impact, and provided by the geographic conditions of Taiwan, all of these factors may give comprehensive development for the future energy policy, which is important for the development of those emerging low-carbon energy technologies as top priority missions. This research will enable the community in the implementation of future low-carbon energy technologies program to be tracked. So that particularly, it will make some conditions possible to achieve, such as the integration of foreign offshore wind power and wave and tidal energy project development, or the carbon capture and storage projects, in practicing examples of strategic environmental assessment, reference and integration of domestic strategic environmental assessment related to the legal basis for Taiwan as the specific environmental and factors in order to develop the most suitable content and performance standards for emerging low-carbon energy technologies developments in Taiwan’s implementation of strategic environmental assessment, and also for the establishment of a set of pragmatic and practical issues about the strategic environmental assessment of emerging low-carbon energy technologies developments specifications.


