  • 學位論文


Marketing Analysis on the Transformation of Tourism Factory from Manufacturing to Service:A Case Study of Taiwan Metal Creation Museum

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


摘 要 由經濟部主辦、工研院執行的「觀光工廠輔導」計畫,自2003年起積極輔導國內傳統工廠轉型,以創新思維導入服務加值的營運內涵,使具遊憩休閒價值的觀光工廠在全臺遍地開花。繼而為了鼓勵廠商自我提升,於2009年開始著手「優良觀光工廠」評選,藉由選出能彰顯產業特色的觀光工廠,來帶動產業新價值及觀光服務再升級。2013年再接再勵開始推動「國際亮點觀光工廠」輔導工作,不斷翻轉傳統工廠印象、帶動休閒旅遊的新視野與新風貌。 方推行兩屆的「國際亮點觀光工廠」在政府傾資源挹注下,將深化廠商經營能力及將優質的觀光工廠推向國際。本論文研究對象為去年新獲選的「台灣金屬創意館」,它是目前台灣唯一一家板金鐵工廠出身的傳統廠商。研究方法採用個案研究方法,透過實地訪談與文獻資料蒐集,探討個案公司的行銷模式分析,如何因應環境變化,結合內外部資源作策略調整、多角化行銷經營。整理歸納出個案公司獨特的經營策略與關鍵成功因素。 期針對個案公司目前行銷方向,作經營策略與現況分析。並提供個案公司與相關廠商未來行銷模式規劃與未來發展的參考。 關鍵字: 觀光工廠,行銷模式,台灣金屬創意館


Abstract The Tourism Factory Assistance Project (TFAP) is a business transformation plan organized by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemented by the Industrial Technology Research Institute. Since its initiation in 2003, TFAP aims to convert traditional factories into tourist attractions by merging value added services into their existing business models, thereby creating tourism factories with leisure and recreation functions all over Taiwan. In 2009, the Excellent Tourism Factory Award was established to recognize factories demonstrating distinctive industry features and to further promote new values and service upgrading in the tourism factory sector. In 2013, the International Spotlight Tourism Factory Project (ISTFP) was started to further transform the image of traditional factories and bring a new look and a new horizon to leisure tourism. With the injection of resources from the Government for the past two years, the ISTFP has elevated operation abilities of the tourism factories and take them into international arena. The focus of this thesis is on Taiwan Metal Creation Museum, which is the only sheet metal factory in Taiwan that has qualified for the ISTFP. The research uses case study approach, with research data gathered via field interviews and literature review. The paper analyzes the museum’s marketing models and examines how its management has adapted to environment changes and made use of available internal and external resources to execute diversification growth strategies that have led to the subject’s current success. This paper provides a detailed report and analysis on the current marketing strategies and business model of the subject in question. It is our hope that this paper can shed light on development possibilities of the particular subject as well as its peers in the industry while they are shaping their future directions and marketing model plans. Keywords: Tourism Factory, Marketing Model, Taiwan Metal Creation Museum


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