  • 學位論文


Issues on Evidentiality and Attitudes in Chinese Languages

指導教授 : 連金發 林宗宏


這本論文主要是要探討台灣國語和閩南語的說話者如何表達他們對外界世界的知識和態度。論文中主要討論三個議題:(i) 知識性模態詞:本文以三個漢語的知識性模態詞「一定」、「應該」、「可能」、為例,(ii) 態度動詞:以台灣閩南語的「拍算」為例,(iii) 言談助詞:本文以漢語的句末助詞「的」和台灣閩南語的「千萬」和「絕對」為個案研究。這三個不同的議題都和示證性(evidentiality)有關。本文所採用的示證性概念是廣義的,包含了說話者的態度,並不侷限在證據來源本身。 這本論文主要分成兩個部分,第一個部分討論模態示證式(modal evidentials)的句法和語意;第二個部分則討論非模態示證式(non-modal evidentials),亦即態度動詞和言談助詞。模態示證式和非模態示證式大致上可以依它們所作用的語意層面不同來區分為命題層面(propositional level)和非表意層面(illocutionary level)。首先,本文論證,在漢語的三個模態詞中,「一定」和「可能」是屬於命題層面的示證式,而「應該」雖然為模態示證詞,但其語意貢獻卻是作用在非表意層面上。這三個模態詞的句法位置根據它們的示證特性不同而呈現結構上的高低分佈,本文認為這個結構上的高低分佈可以歸因於兩個不同的語意因素,即示證模態詞的偏稱或全稱量化力,以及「一定」語意中的另一個成分—說話者的意志(speaker intention)。此外,這三個模態示證詞的句法特性也是造成它們在結構和示證行為表現上的差異。 在第二部分中,本文首先討論態度動詞作為示證詞使用的議題,本文以台灣閩南語的「拍算」為例,探討知識性情態(Epistemic Modality)和示證性(Evidentiality)之間的互動,並討論「拍算」這個動詞如何衍生出可能性情態和推論的間接事證語意,以及「拍算」的三個用法—意志動詞用法(intentional verb)、命題態度動詞用法(propositional attitude verb)和插入語用法(parenthetical)—的語意及句法特性。本文提出二維的語意分析來說明命題態度動詞用法和插入語用法之間的關聯及差異,同時論證「拍算」這三種用法之間的衍生關係。 接著,本文以漢語的句末助詞「的」與台灣閩南語的「千萬」和「絕對」為個案研究,探討言談助詞的句法、語意和語用功能。本文論證「的」是CP層次的言談助詞,其語意作用在非表意層面上。「的」有兩種相對應的功能,即對立功能(antithetic)和強調功能(emphatic),這兩種功能貢獻了非核心的語意(non-at-issue content)。此外,「千萬」和「絕對」則是屬於IP層次的言談助詞,「千萬」和「絕對」的義務情態用法皆有雙重功能,它們一方面選擇命令句式,另一方面又修飾這類句型所表達的指示語言行為 (directive speech act)。 在言談助詞的討論中,本文發現命題和非表意這兩個層面的語意可以在句子中互動。本文提出句末助詞「的」可以和句子中出現的表弱必然性的義務模態詞「應該」或其他帶有選擇語意的義務模態詞互動產生違實語意(counterfactuality);而「千萬」和「絕對」在作義務情態用法時,則必須與句子中所出現的義務模態詞產生「情態協和」(modal concord)的關係。本文主張句子的語意是由多面向的語意塑造而來的,由命題層面和非表意層面的語意構成(cf. Scheffler 2009, Potts 2012)。


示證性 態度 漢語 台灣閩南語


The aim of this dissertation is to provide an empirically driven, theoretically informed investigation of how speakers of Chinese Languages which are used mostly in Taiwan, namely Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese Southern Min, express knowledge about the world around them. Three main issues are discussed: (i) epistemic modality, in which we focus on the three modality expressions in Mandarin Chinese—yiding ‘mustepi.’, yinggai ‘shouldepi.’, and keneng ‘be likely to’, (ii) propositional attitude verbs, in which we take phah4-sng3 ‘intend; think’ in Taiwanese Southern Min as an example, and (iii) discourse particles, in which the two maximizers in Taiwanese Southern Min, tshian1-ban7 and tsuat8-tui3, and the sentence-final particle de in Mandarin Chinese are investigated. These three issues, though distinct, are actually related with respect to evidentiality, the notion not restricted to the expression of ‘evidence’ per se but used in a broader sense to involve attitudes towards knowledge and truth (Chafe 1986). The first part of this dissertation is devoted to the investigation of the syntax and semantics of modal evidentials. The second part is contributed to non-modal evidentials in Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese Southern Min, viz. attitude verbs and discourse particles. The two types of evidentials roughly correspond to a distinction between propositional and illocutionary evidentials, defined by the level of meaning they operate on. However, evidentials which have a static semantics (e.g. they are epistemic modals) may implicate other kinds of meaning in conversation, operating on an illocutionary level. The epistemic modal yinggai ‘shouldepi.’ in Mandarin Chinese is such an example. In the first part, I argue that among the three modals, yiding ‘mustepi.’, and keneng ‘be likely to’ are propositional evidentials and yinggai ‘shouldepi.’ is an illocutionary evidential. The properties of the three modal evidentials rendered them hierarchically ordered. I argue that this ordering can be attributed to two distinct semantic factors—the quantificational force of evidentiality ( or ) over evidential-belief worlds, and a coordinate of speaker intention (see Giorgi 2009) in the semantics of yiding ‘mustepi.’ but not in that of yinggai ‘shouldepi.’. The syntactic statuses of the three modals also constitute another crucial key to the puzzle about their distinct evidential behavior and the hierarchical ordering. In the second part, I discuss the issue of attitude verbs as evidentials with a case study of phah4-sng3 ‘intend; think’ in Taiwanese Southern Min. I show the multiple functions of phah4-sng3, and argue that it derives the use as a propositional attitude verb from the intentional-verb use, and becomes a slifting verb, which is regarded as an evidential, expressing epistemic propability and lowering the epistemic threshold. Moreover, I deal with the issue of discourse particles. I take the sentence-final particle de in Mandarin Chinese and tshian1-ban7 and tsuat8-tui3 in Taiwanese Southern Min as case studies. I argue that de is a CP-type discourse particle, operating on the illocutionary level of meaning. It has two opposite discourse functions—antithetic and emphatic, contributing to the non-at-issue content. In addition, tshian1-ban7 and tsuat8-tui3 (in its deontic use) are treated as IP-type discourse particles. They are argued to display twofold behavior, selecting the jussive clause types on the one hand, and modifying the directive force of these clauses on the other. The two levels of meaning (i.e. propositional and illocutionary) may interact in a sentence. This is shown in discussing the discourse particles in question. I argue that the sentence-final particle de in Mandarin Chinese cooperates to generate the sense of counterfactuality with the weak necessity modal yinggai ‘ought’ or other modals that can derive an alternative reading like yinggai ‘ought’, and that tshian1-ban7 and tsuat8-tui3 (in its deontic use) in Taiwanese Southern Min show a concord relation with the modal required in the same sentence. This propositional-illocutionary distinction suggests a multidimentional model of meaning (cf. Scheffler 2009, Potts 2012), whereby sentence meaning is modeled by the at-issue dimension, and the rest, which constitute the non-at-issue dimension (viz. the Conventional Implicature dimension).


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