  • 學位論文


Education Opportunity for Students with Special Need in Malaysia Chinese Independent Secondary School

指導教授 : 黃澤洋


本研究宗旨在於先了解及整理馬來西亞特殊教育的事宜,然後從中探討華小畢業的特殊生能夠在獨中獲得怎樣的教育以及在獨中接受教育的機會是否會高。本研究主要通過半結構式訪談法進行探討。研究者邀請來自3所獨中校長、主任及老師共9人進行訪談,他們的教學年資都是10年或以上。本研究結果如下: (一) 獨中至今尚未重視特殊教育的原因主要是因為獨中辦的是普通教育,而獨中普遍上是菁英導向以及成績至上,而且沒有獲得相應的特教支援。 (二) 人人都有受教育的權利是不爭的事實,只是每一所學校的辦學方式不一樣,所以很多事情是勉強不來的。只是特殊生還是應該被關注的,因為他們會因為語言上溝通不良而導致各種誤會,會錯失有效的學習機會。而且特殊生的存在也能讓普通學生獲得人生啟示。 (三) 研究者認為最重要的是學校行政人員的意願與堅持,秉持著有教無類的信念,加上校方有彈性的辦學政策、親師生之間的配合,相信學校還是能夠給予特殊生一個學習的機會和環境。 (四) 無論是什麼源流的學校,只要是小型學校都有讓特殊生更多受教育的機會。所以小型的獨中會比較有這種功能,因為小型獨中人數少,校園內的競爭就相對的也比較少,所以特殊生也才有機會露出光芒,而且也比較能夠被老師關注。 最後根據上述研究結論,針對董總與華文獨立中學提出建議,同時也為後續研究提出方向。


The objective of this research is to collect the information about Special Needs Education in Malaysia, and to find out the type of education where Malaysia Chinese Independent Secondary School (MCISS) can provide to the graduates of Chinese primary school with special need, and their education opportunity in MCISS. The research method is semi-structurer interview. Researcher had interviewed three principles, three supervisors and three teachers from different schools, and all their teaching experience is 10 years. The conclusion is: I. MCISS mainly focuses on general education. Most of the MCISS is elite-oriented and achievement oriented on student studies subject. Furthermore, MCISS did not get any support on special need education. II. Student with special need should be concerned, because they have their right in leaning. In addition, government school uses Malay as their teaching media, and this will cause the student with special need who came from Chinese primary school facing problem in communication. III. School administrators have to uphold the principle of education for all. Provides good learning environment to student with special need, flexibility of school administrative work, cooperation betwenn parent, teacher and student is needed. IV. Small scale school is an ideal place for student with special need to learn because teacher can pay more attention to them and they will have more opportunity to show the advancement. Based on the results above, some suggestions are introduced to the United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia and MCISS of Malaysia. The further researche is also recommended.


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