  • 學位論文


Challenges of Inclusive Education: Experiences from Regular Classroom Teachers

指導教授 : 王天苗


本研究以十二位台北市國小普通班教師為研究對象,採深度訪談法收集教師的融合教育經驗及想法。研究的主要結果如下: 一、 初接有身心障礙學生的的班級時,有些教師因為具有特教專長與相關經驗、遵守學校規定、視為學習挑戰或具人文關懷等心態而表示願意接受,有些教師則因不具特教背景、擔心工作負擔加重、準備不及等因素而感到擔憂、抗拒或被動接受。 二、 教師面臨在教學、學生教育權和教育成效方面的兩難考驗: 1. 教學方面:雖然教學本該以學生需求做調整,但因課程統一進度、團體式教學、班級人數過多、教材教具缺乏、學生能力太弱或普通學生家長質疑等因素而面臨困難。 2. 教育權爭論方面:雖有老師認為無論何種情形都該保障身心障礙學生的教育權,但大多數老師認為如果身心障礙學生表現嚴重傷害或干擾行為,應該限制其就讀普通班權利,以保障普通學生的權益。 3. 教育成效得失方面:有教師相信融合教育有助於身心障礙學生的社會適應與學業學習,而且對普通學生的影響是正面多於負面。但是教師也反應融合的結果會造成同儕的互動質量不佳、學業進步有限的情形。因此,有教師認為有些障礙學生適合就讀特殊班。 三、 教師採取的因應方法: 1. 心理層面:努力做好認知調適或心理調適。有些教師基於尊重個別差異、障礙學生也有學習潛能、及教師對障礙學生負有教育責任且可勝任,而產生持續努力的動力,但有教師則依然認為沒有特教背景而難以勝任。 2. 教學策略方面:包括建立良好師生關係、提供學生參與的機會、展現學生個人的價值、注意特殊性與平常心看待之間的拿捏,並適性的調整教學、運用靈活應變的處遇策略等。 3. 資源運用方面:包括同儕、家長、特教教師、學校同仁、巡迴輔導教師與職能治療師等相關專業人員,以及實習教師、義工、普通學生家長、他校教師等人力資源,並希望增加助理人員及陪讀工讀生。其中,有些發揮支援效果,成為實施融合教育的助力,有些卻沒有發揮成效,成為阻力。 四、 融合教育帶給教師的意義:由於師生相處快樂、學生進步所得的成就感、增進對特教領域的瞭解、學習新的教學技巧以及激勵自己專業成長,教師獲得對融合教育的正面看法,而且能加深體會公平的定義,更珍惜生命,勇於主動為學生爭取權利。有的教師則反應出無力感、無助感與愧疚感等負面心境。 五、 教師對融合教育的期許:肯定融合教育的理想,但須在考量學生個別情形下,再決定融合教育的安置。並強調要實現融合教育理想,健全相關配套措施是重要關鍵。 最後,根據研究結果,對教育制度面、學校、普通教育教師在融合教育實施上,以及未來研究上提出幾項建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the regular classroom teachers' experiences and perspectives toward "inclusive education." Data were collected through in-depth interviews with twelve elementary school regular classroom teachers. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. Teachers expressed different reactions upon having disabled students in the class. Some accepted the assignment based on their training background, related experiences and humanity concerns. Some teachers objected to the assignment for reasons of increasing workload, lack of training, or being unprepared. 2. It was found that teachers were in the dilemma in terms of instruction, students' educational rights, and learning effectiveness. Some teachers realized that curriculum and instructions should be designed based on needs of every student, educational rights of disabled children needed to be protected, and reported to observed positive effects of inclusive education on both disabled students and non-disabled peers. However, some teachers felt incompetent to change the rhyme of fixed curriculum and whole class teaching, and to manage disturbing behaviors or teach low functioning students. They also reported to feel frustrated when they were questioned by parents of non-disabled students. 3. As a result of having one or two disabled students in the class, some teachers adjusted well and tried efforts to reconstruct their teaching, build pleasant teacher-peers relationships, provide better learning opportunities for disabled students, and properly use peers, special education teachers, itinerant teachers, parents, therapists, or volunteers. However, some teachers reported to have difficulties to make such adjustments. 4. Teachers reported to experience of gaining sense of achievement, learning more teaching strategies, and having better understanding of rights and needs of disabled students, meaning of equality, and special education. However, some teachers still reported to have sense of incompetence, helplessness, and guilt. 5. Most teachers could recognized the ideal of inclusive education, however they suggested that placements decisions for disabled students needed to be made based on thorough evaluations and support systems, especially, needed to be established for regular classroom teachers. According to the results of this study, some suggestions in terms of policy and practices were provided for policy decision-makers, school administrators, and regular classroom teachers.


Bradley, D. F., & West, J. F. (1994). Staff training for the inclusion of students with disabilities: Visions from school-based educators. Teacher Education and Special Education, 17(1), 117-128.
Brownell, M. T., & Pajares, F. M. (1996). The influence of teachers' efficacy beliefs on preceived success in mainstreaming students with learning and behavior problems: A path analysis.( ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 409 661)


施逸旻(2011)。普通班身心障礙學生學校支持系統 之個案研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100536
