  • 學位論文

資訊科技教學實施之行動研究- 以馬來西亞新民獨中高三理班為例

Using An Action Research of Information Technology Instruction in a class of Malaysian High School.

指導教授 : 林志成


本研究採用行動研究,旨在改善馬來西亞吉打雙溪大年新民獨立中學高三理班資訊科技教學實施情形。本研究以電腦與資訊工藝為主要課程,其中課程分成「第13章 程式語言與程式設計」、「第14章 電腦職涯」和「第15章 資訊社會倫理」三個教學主題,以發展資訊科技教學實施方案,採用多元化的資訊科技媒體來輔助課堂的教學活動。研究對象為馬來西亞吉打雙溪大年新民獨立中學高三理班10位學生,進行9周教學活動。 研究者把各項學生態度興趣量表、訪談記錄、學習回饋單、教學省思、札記等資料,以探究資訊科技教學歷程及課程實施後,對學生的學習態度和興趣改善的情況為何。本研究主要的結論如下: 一、 教師運用資訊科技教學能提升學習興趣與動機,但也面臨許多問題。 二、 智慧教室、Google Classroom線上作業等資訊科技學習具有多種優點。 三、 運用智慧教室結合適配的教學方式,能提升成效並培養學生資訊素養。 最後,根據研究結論,對行政單位、教師教學、學生提出具體的建議,以供未來有意實施資訊科技教學及相關研究之參考。


Using action research to explore the using of information technology in a Sin Min Private School study. The action research approach and teaches “Programing Language and Programing Design”, “IT Job Information”, “Information Society Ethics” as a theme to develop a project. There were 10 student from Sin Min Private School in Malaysia County Participating in this study for 9 week. By Collecting and analyzing the data such as student’s Questionnaire, learning interesting scale, classroom observation records, learning feed sheet, teacher’s self-refection notes, and student’s interview, the researcher is able to explore the teaching process with using information technology to improve student’s attitude and interest in study. There are four major finding of the study: 1. The attitude of students can be improved by applying Information Technology in Classroom but of course, there are still have some problems that need to be solved. 2. Smart Classroom and Google Classroom produce a lot of advantages especially to students. 3. By implement Smart Classroom together with the proper teaching methods, student's Information literacy can be improved. Finally, Proposing Suggestion for school administration, teacher and student according to the research findings, and making recommendation for those who are interest in using information technology for further studies.


