  • 學位論文


The Effect of Muscle Activation during Push-Ups with Different Methods and Angles Suspensions

指導教授 : 林貴福


目的:比較不同懸吊方式於不同角度實施伏地挺身的肌肉活化差異。方法:招募19位健康男性(年齡:21.05 ± 1.22歲;身高:174.12 ± 4.92公分;體重70.71 ± 7.23公斤)。採重複量數設計,分別以無懸吊、懸吊手部及懸吊足部三種懸吊方式進行+30º、+15º、0º、-15º與-30º等五種角度伏地挺身,每種角度完成5次反覆,間隔休息3至5分鐘,每種懸吊方式至少分隔48小時。記錄所有測驗胸大肌、前三角肌、肱三頭肌、上斜方肌及前鋸肌的肌電圖(EMG)均方根(RMS)平均振幅,並將RMS-EMG標準化為最大自主等長收縮(% MVIC)。以相依樣本二因子變異數分析,比較三種懸吊方式與五種角度,各量測部位肌肉活化的差異,統計顯著水準訂為α=.05。結果:不同懸吊方式結果顯示,胸大肌活化懸吊手部與足部顯著高於無懸吊(p<.05);上斜方肌活化懸吊手部顯著高於懸吊足部(p<.05);前鋸肌肌活化懸吊足部顯著高於懸吊手部(p<.05);前三角肌與肱三頭肌無顯著差異(p>.05)。不同角度結果顯示,胸大肌活化於-30º顯著小於其它四種角度(p<.05);前三角肌活化-15º與-30º顯著大於其它三種角度(p<.05);肱三頭肌、上斜方肌與前鋸肌活化-30º顯著大於其它四種角度(p<.05)。結論:懸吊手部與足部伏地挺身,肩部位置平行與高於足部可獲得胸大肌最大活化;無懸吊或懸吊手部伏地挺身,-30º可獲得上斜方肌最大活化;懸吊足部伏地挺身,肩部位置低於足部可獲得前鋸肌最大活化;在所有懸吊方式伏地挺身,-30º可獲得前三角與肱三頭肌最大活化,供訓練之參考。


肌力訓練 懸吊運動 肌電圖


Purpose: To compare the muscle activation during push-ups with different methods and angles suspensions. Methods: The participants were 19 healthy male adults (age: 21.05 ± 1.22 yrs, height: 174.12 ± 4.92 cm, weight: 70.71 ± 7.23 kg). Repeated-measures design was adopted, completed the non-suspension, hands suspension and foot suspension push-ups conducted by five different angles which are +30º, +15º, 0º, -15º and -30º, respectively. Each angle completed by five times and with at three to five minutes rest in between. Each test separated by at least 48 hours. Root mean square electromyography was collected for the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, triceps, upper trapezius and serratus anterior during all repetitions. RMS-EMG values were normalized to a maximal voluntary isometric contraction (% MVIC). The differences of muscle activation between the three suspensions and five angles were analyzed by repeated measure two-way ANOVA. Significant level was set at α=.05. Result: The results of different suspension methods showed that the activation of the pectoralis major was significantly higher in hand and foot suspension than in non-suspension (p < .05); The activation of the upper trapezius was significantly higher in hand suspension than in foot suspension (p < .05); The activation of the serratus anterior was significantly higher in foot suspension than in hand suspension (p < .05); There were no significant differences in the anterior deltoid and triceps(p > .05). The results of different suspension angles showed that the activation of the pectoralis major was significantly lower in -30º suspension than in other four angles suspension (p < .05); The activation of the anterior deltoid was significantly higher in -15º and -30º suspension than in other three angles suspension (p < .05); The activation of the triceps, upper trapezius and serratus anterior was significantly higher in -30º suspension than in other four angles suspension (p < .05). Conclusion: In the hand and foot suspension push-ups, maximal activation of the pectoralis major occurred when the shoulder position is parallel and above the foot. Maximal activation of the anterior deltoid, triceps and serratus anterior occurred at -30º regardless of three kinds suspension methods in push-ups; In the hand and non-suspension push-ups, maximal activation of the upper trapezius occurred when the shoulder position lower than the foot. These results could be used as a supplemented training information.


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