  • 學位論文

陳伯義作品中的地方認同 ―以《紅毛港遷村實錄―家》為例

The Place Identity of Po-I Chen's Works -"Home:Records of the Hongmaogang Village Relocation" as An Example

指導教授 : 張晴文


摘要 人文主義地理學(humanistic geography)主要關注人與土地、自然的互動關係,也探討「地方」(place)的概念並進一步探究「地方認同」(place identity)。「地方認同」指人們對特定地方有情感與記憶上的連結,在經過賦予意義化的過程,並親身投入到當地生活文化,延伸出歸屬感,逐漸累積自身對此地方的認同感。 本論文以台灣當代藝術家陳伯義的作品《紅毛港遷村實錄―家》(2006~2008)作為對象,採取文獻分析法及深度訪談法,進一步探究地方認同與其創作當中之關聯。本論文內探討了認同相關文獻、地方與認同、地方認同等,接著探究關於高雄紅毛港遷村一事之背景,最後根據本論文的敘述梳理出陳伯義《紅毛港遷村實錄―家》一作,發現當中有著藝術家本人關懷事件的取角觀點、居民於當地生活的地方認同,以及觀者於觀看時產生的認同意識,體認到「地方認同」的心理機制,藉由同樣的情感回憶投射,人們能從中挖掘出相似的生命經驗,建構起各自的自我認同與地方認同,回饋到關心台灣本島的發展與在地認同。 關鍵字:紀實攝影、地方認同、陳伯義、紅毛港


Abstract Humanistic geography focuses on the relationship between humanity, land and nature, exploring the concept of "place" and furthermore, "place identity ". "Place identity " comes from the sense of belonging which accumulated by place identities through the process of giving its meaning from the emotion and memory toward a specific place by living the local culture life personally. In this thesis, we will discuss the relationship between the place identity and Po-I Chen's “Home: Records of the Hongmaogang Village Relocation (2006 ~ 2008)”, talking over relevant literature, place and identity, and place identity, etc., analyzing the background of Kaohsiung HongmaogangRelocation. This work reveals the artist's own concern toward the recognition and the affection toward the place, the residents' local identity toward their local life, and the reader’s conscious of recognition. We can then realize the psychological mechanism of "place identity". By digging out similar life experience from the same projection of emotional memory, people can construct their own self-identity and place identity, and then extend to the development and place identity of the island of Taiwan. Keywords:Documentary photography, place identity, Po-I Chen, the Hongmaogang Village


Shu-Mei Shih,《視覺與認同:跨太平洋華語語系表述.呈現》(楊華慶譯),台北:聯經,2013。
Gaston Bachelard,《空間詩學》,(龔卓軍、王靜慧譯),台北:張老師文化,2006。
