  • 學位論文

積層製造 PC_Based 五軸CNC控制器之實現

Additive Manufacturing of PC_Based Five Axis Machine Tools

指導教授 : 陳建祥


本文研究為科技部工程司積層製造跨領域專案計畫「彈性變向佈料高速3D 成形技術」之下的子計畫。此技術的特點為帶狀出料,以及沿著3D製件表面的切線方向佈料,此方法能增加出料速度,以及改善製件表面的光滑度。本文目的是配合此專案計畫做出PC_Based 五軸工具機的控制器。由於此計畫的佈料方式較為特殊,故需特殊設計一個控制器,根據此五軸工具機的機構轉換以及此佈料頭的形狀來做座標轉換及插補計算。並且使用直流伺服馬達,進行回授控制,使機器工作的更快速、準確。


The purpose of this project is to design a faster and more precise control system for the 3D printer designed in the "High Speed Flexible 3D Freedom Technique" program.This project is the sub-project of the “High Speed Flexible 3D Freeform Technique” program of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Some characteristics of "High Speed Flexible 3D Freedom Technique" include dispensing ribbon-shaped materials and forming these materials along the trajectory tangent to create manufacturing parts. In Chang's thesis " High Speed Flexible 3D Freeform Technique: Material Dispensing System and Process Development for Thermoplastics ", this method is known to improve the dispensing speed and the superficial flatness of the product.


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