  • 學位論文

遊戲式學習應用於臺灣閩南語學習之行動研究 -以國小閩南語社團為例

An Action Research of Applying Game-Based Learning to Taiwan Minnan Language of Minnan Language Club in Elementary School

指導教授 : 陳美如


摘要 本研究旨在探討應用遊戲式學習臺灣閩南語能否提升學生閩南語能力。研究者覺察課堂學生學習動機低靡、閩南語能力不佳,試圖以遊戲式學習活絡課程內容、學習動機,故採行動研究法。研究者運用遊戲式學習策略以新竹市歡喜國小「i臺語」社團實施四循環課程,教學歷程自106年3月至8月,共計15週。研究過程中藉由課室觀察、半結構式訪談、教學省思單、學生作品等質性資料為主,再以閩南語模擬試卷、教育部閩南語認證等量化資料為輔,即時省思及修正研究歷程,並探究教師如何透過遊戲式學習進行臺灣閩南語的實施歷程、學生學習歷程及學習表現與教師之自我省思、專業成長。 歸納本研究主要發現與結論如下: 壹、遊戲式學習在國小社團閩南語學習的實踐歷程方面 一、藉由遊戲式學習課程概念導入臺灣閩南語學習較有趣且可行性高 二、以社團為主,延伸至國、高中之學習模式適宜做推廣 三、遊戲式學習階段課程仍需教師主導 四、學習主題與生活經驗連結較易引學習動機與對話 五、四階段學習重點與遊戲策略的對應能有效提升學習效能 貳、學生學習閩南語能力的表現方面 一、遊戲式學習臺灣閩南語能有效提升學習成效與學習動機 二、學生透過語言認證能提升學習動力 三、學生藉由700字紮根學習,在聽說讀寫表現呈漸進式成長 參、研究者的專業成長及省思方面 一、教學者對復育本土語需懷使命感及專業、熱情的人格特質 二、專業社群對話形塑本土語進行跨領域課程統整 最後,研究者依研究結果彙整提出建議,以作為教學者、未來研究者參考。 關鍵字:行動研究、遊戲式學習、臺灣閩南語、閩南語認證


Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore whether the use of game-based learning in learning Taiwan Minnan can enhance students' Taiwan Minnan language skills. Researchers observed that in the classroom, student motivation was very low, and students had poor Taiwan Minnan language skills, so the researchers sought to use game-based learning to liven up learning content and increase learning motivation, therefore adopting the action research method. The researchers used game-based learning strategies during four course cycles in the "iTaiwanese" club of the Hsinchu City Huanhsi Elementary School. The courses ran from March 2017 to August 2017, lasting a total of 15 weeks. The research process was conducted through the use of classroom observation, semi-structured interviews, teaching feedback forms, student output, and other qualitative methods. These were supplemented by Taiwan Minnan mock exams, Ministry of Education Taiwan Minnan certification, and other such quantitative methods to immediately reflect on and revise the research process. Researchers also explored the implementation process of game-based teaching by teachers, the student learning process, learning performance, teacher self-evaluation, and professional development. The main findings and conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: 1. Implementation of game-based learning in elementary school Taiwan Minnan clubs 1-1The introduction of game-based learning made learning Taiwan Minnan more interesting and viable. 1-2It is suitable to promote the application of this method by first focusing on clubs and then expanding into senior and junior high schools. 1-3Game-based learning still needs to be guided by teachers. 1-4Connections between learning topics and life experiences make it easier to generate learning motivation and dialogue. 1-5Four follow-up exercises and game strategies could promote learning efficiency. 2.Students’ Taiwan Minnan learning performance 2-1Game-based learning can effectively increase learning effectiveness and learning motivation. 2-2By passing language certification could enhance students motivations. 2-3Students learn by taking root in 700 words progressive growth in listening,speaking, reading and writing performance. 3.Professional growth and reflection of the researchers 3-1Teachers need to have a sense of purpose and be enthusiastic about restoring the native language. 3-2alogue within professional communities shape interdisciplinary courses on students’ native language. Lastly, the researchers made recommendations based on the findings to serve as a source of reference for educators and future researchers. Keywords: action research, game-based learning, Taiwan Minnan, Taiwan Minnan certification


