  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Semiconductor Process Quality Control Strategy for O Company

指導教授 : 林哲群 黃裕烈


台灣半導體代工產業一直是佔台灣重要的一席之地,從最早晶圓廠生產DRAM,EEPROM,消費性IC代工生產造就IC產業蓬勃發展,隨著大陸與韓國半導體產業興起,競爭激烈,毛利已不如從前,供需趨近飽和與市場萎縮,產業面臨存亡的危機,為謀求生存與發展,半導體代工產業需轉型開發新產品,新的消費市場與擴展新的客戶。 從2007年Apple 第一代智慧型手機發表,徹底改變消費者一如往常使用手機的習慣,這個殺手級的產品,重新讓全球對手機定義編出另一個里程碑,間接受惠到半導體相關產業使得蓬勃發展,然而近年手機晶片也逐漸趨近於成熟,未來的市場也開始往車用的電子商品佈局,也讓晶片設計與製程越來越複雜,客戶的需求提升,相關的品質與功能性已不如過往,其面臨到的最大課題就是產品品質就相對重要。 本研究以O公司為例,公司開發產品,不論是利基型IC、車用週邊產品或是穿戴式產品,所需規格複雜多變與隨著客戶需求不同而有不同的設計,有些產品因牽扯到安全性的問題,其規格高於一般消費性產品。其研究要如何在考量成本、效率、品質的因素下,有效率的降低成本並確保品質,提高競爭力,達成客戶與公司雙贏的局面。


Taiwan semiconductor foundry industry has been an important place in Taiwan, in the early stage of fab foundry making the DRAM, EEPROM and consumer IC, with the rise of China and the Korean semiconductor industry, the industry has become very competitive and low margin. Since 2007 Apple released the first generation smartphone, completely change the way consumers use the phone as usual habit of this killer product, so that the world of mobile phones SPEC was re-defined indirect benefit to semiconductor-related industries such flourish, however, in recent years, mobile phone chip tends to gradually mature, the future market also began to focus electronic devices of vehicle, but also the chip design and process get more complex, customers demand increase, it faces the biggest issue is the product quality is relatively important. In this study, O company case, the company developed the product, whether it is a niche-type IC, automotive peripheral products or wearable products, the with the required specifications and complex needs of different customers have different designs, some products due to safety concerns, its specifications even higher than the general consumer products, in the face of various types of problems and challenges is our study items. To consider how its research cost, efficiency, quality factor, the efficiency to reduce costs and ensure quality, improve competitiveness, and the company reach customers win-win situation.


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