  • 學位論文


Design of Green Supplier Selection Procedure

指導教授 : 溫于平


隨著全球環保意識的抬頭,國際間陸續針對各項環保議題作出相關規範,對全球的大小企業造成極大的衝擊,「綠色供應鏈」的議題也應運而生,其中綠色供應商的評選更是一項主要的課題。傳統供應商之評選模式的研究已相當完整且成熟,因此本研究主要針對環保考量的綠色供應商評選深入探討。 本研究先針對國際環保公約、綠色供應商評選準則與綠色供應商評選方法此三方向進行相關文獻的回顧與探討,建立出考量外部因素之關係影響圖以反映決策時的不同考量,並訂定出具環保考量的供應商評選績效準則,且考量生命週期評估在台灣目前實行上的困難,將準則分為有無考量生命週期評估,進而建構出完整而可實行的綠色供應商的評選模式作為實際應用與計畫之後續研究之基礎。


In the rising of environmental consciousness, many international treaties and directives of environmental issues have been signed and made huge impact on enterprises. Therefore, the green supply chain management has been paid close attention in both academic and practical fields, and the supplier selection problem is one of important topics to study and investigate. Since the traditional supplier selection model has been studied for many years and already has many great works, this study aims on environmental issue which is green supplier selection problem. Literatures of international environmental directives, and supplier selection problem’s criteria and methodologies are surveyed and categorized in this study. A relationship diagram is proposed to include the influence, which comes from external factors. Consequently, formulate green criteria sets that consider environmental issues. Two green criteria sets are proposed that are different at the introduction of life cycle assessment (LCA) or not because Taiwan is still in the initial stage of LCA and is difficult to implement it practically. Based on the relationship diagram and green criteria sets, a green supplier selection framework and implementation procedure is proposed for practical use and as the foundation of the future studies in this project.


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