  • 學位論文


Research on the impacts of the differences in western and eastern culture on corporate management: case studies of Taiwanese high-tech industries

指導教授 : 簡禎富


台灣科技業最近20多年來蓬勃發展,已經在全球居於非常重要的地位。一部分高科技產業的創辦人和領導者,來自於早期留學美國的歸國學人,他們帶著技術結合國內的資金在台灣創立了連結國際的高科技公司。另一部分雖是土生土長在台灣的企業家,但是也都是戰後嬰兒潮的一代,受到西化教育的影響很深,所以多數的科技電子業採用偏向美式的管理,有別於過去台灣家族式的傳統產業。然而,卻少有相關研究比較期中的差異。 本研究目的係以下列四個各具特色的本土知名企業經營案例作深入分析討論,加上一個美國企業的變革案例作為比對分析,從這些企業經營的理念和管理模式,以及企業創辦人和領導人的特質,來探討東西方文化的差異所造成的影響。 1. 從Gerstner在IBM的改革看西方管理 2. 深入探討老莊思想的許文龍如何成功經營奇美實業 3. 看許文龍的觀念如何落實到科技電子業的奇美電子 4. 施振榮的龍夢如何讓台灣品牌國際化 5. 張忠謀的魄力讓土生土長的台積電貫徹西方管理  研究結果顯示,西方以競爭力為依歸的企業經營思想與制度,經過長期的考驗和無數專家的創新改革,的確有很多值得我們學習和採用的。但是畢竟東西方的文化差異,西方好的制度不能冒然執行,也會碰到很多困難需要克服。此外,本文也試圖從以上案例分析中曾經討論的相關管理問題,整理出一些簡單和重點式的摘要,給東方文化的台灣企業一點建議。這些建議是從東西文化主要差異中找出來的注意事項。同時也以『兼容東方文化,活用西方管理』作為本文的結論。 關鍵字:科技管理、高科技產業、個案研究


Over the past 20 years, Taiwan’s high-tech industries have been playing more and more critical roles in the worldwide competitive markets. Some of the founders or leaders of the high-tech companies coming back from the United States brought in the state-of-the-art technologies to combine the local capital and founded global high-tech companies. Some of the founders or leaders of the high-tech companies were locally born and raised but were also influenced by the western education system in Taiwan. However, little research has been done to examine the impacts and differences between different values and management systems. This thesis aims to investigate the impacts of the differences in western and eastern culture on corporate management. In particular, this study compared the difference of business value, control system and characteristics of the leader among five distinct companies, four of them are located in Taiwan and the other one is located in the United States. The results of the investigation showed that the western business value and management systems, which had experienced numerous test and modification for years, fit Taiwanese companies well but the western business value and management systems must be “decorated” to fit the unique oriental culture so as to facilitate and enable the execution of the business value and management systems. In addition to business value and management system, the characteristic of a leader is also curcial to the success of the company. Through analysis of the 5 case companies for the difference in western and eastern culture, this study summarized some suggestions to Taiwanese companies for them to avoid unnecessary obstacles when implementing western business value and management systems in the oriental culture. This study concludes woth discussions on right things for the oriental company to harmonize western management by the oriental cultire for achieving success. Keywords: Technology Management, High-tech Industry, Case Study


Larry Bossidy, Ram Charan原著,李明譯 (2003),執行力,天下文化,台北市。
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簡禎富 (2005), 決策分析與管理: 全面決策品質提升之架構與方法,雙葉書廊出版社,台北市。
吳思 (2002), 潛規則:中國歷史上的進退遊戲,究竟出版社,台北市。
