  • 學位論文

台灣絨螯蟹(Eriocheir formosa)遺傳多樣性之研究

The Genetic Diversity of Eriocheir formosa (Crustacea, Decapoda, Grapsidae)

指導教授 : 曾晴賢博士


台灣絨螯蟹(Eriocheir formosa Chan, Hung and Yu, 1995)俗稱青毛蟹,目前僅分布於臺灣東部與西南部,是重要的水產資源。其春夏之際降海生殖洄游的習性,與同屬的其他種類在秋冬季節降海的習性不同。因此台灣絨螯蟹除了具有高經濟性外亦有學術研究價值。 本研究利用PCR sequencing等技術,以粒線體核酸之細胞色素氧化脢I (mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I, COI) 序列前段602bp,作為台灣絨螯蟹的分子標誌(molecular marker)。利用此分子標誌探討本島台灣絨螯蟹族群的遺傳多樣性(genetic diversity) 與遺傳結構。 分析台灣東北部到西南部的88隻台灣絨螯蟹個體,結果在序列鹼基對比例方面,A 所佔比例為25.9%,T 佔35.38%,C 佔20.4%,G 佔18.27%。A+T=61.28%,呈現A-T rich的現象。全部標本共得到23個基因型,分散於所有族群中。單倍體基因多樣性指數 (Haplotype diversity, h) 為0.73093,核苷酸多樣性指數( Nucleotide diversity, π ) 為0.00185。高的h值和低的π值顯示族群曾經經歷過瓶頸效應,之後接著迅速的族群擴張。Tajima's D和Fu and Li's D均呈現負值,進一步證明台灣絨螯蟹族群曾經經歷過族群擴張。以Neighbor-joining法進行台灣絨螯蟹的親緣關係樹建構,其bootstrap 值均小於70,顯示無明顯分群現象。遺傳分化指數(Fst)接近零,另外基因交流指數(Nm)趨於無限大,顯示族群間幾乎無分化且族群間基因交流程度很高。另外經由分子時鐘計算推測,台灣絨螯蟹約於5.3~7.51百萬年前,從大陸來到台灣。並研判近岸流可能是促使不同水系台灣絨螯蟹基因交流的主要原因。


The green mitten crab, Eriocheir formosa, is endemic to Taiwan. Its sea-ward reproductive migration period occurs between spring and summer unlike that for other species of Eriocheir which migrate during autumn-winter . Therefore, it has high commercial value and is also an important subject for academic studies. The aim of this study was to obtain the molecular marker (mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I, COI) from E. formosa and to analyse the genetic diversity and population genetic structure for different groups in Taiwan. In the present study, we analysed 602 base-pair fragment of the mitochondrial COI gene from 88 specimens collected from the Northeast to the Southwest of Taiwan. The studied segment of COI sequence is A-T rich (A: 25.9%, T: 35.38%, C: 20.4%, and G: 18.27%)。 The haplotype diversity (h) was found to be 0.73093 with a nucleotide diversity (π) of 0.00185, indicating the population of E. formosa had met a population bottleneck effect and population expansion event. The negative values of Tajima’s D test support the population expansion event. Pairwise Fst values and high gene flow revealed a low level of isolation between populations and molecular dating implied E. formosa first appeared in Taiwan around 7.51~ 2.92 million years ago.


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張瑞宗(2008)。日本絨螯蟹 ( Eriocheir japonica ) 遺傳多樣性之研究〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-0207200810155372
