  • 學位論文


The Legal Relationship Between Mobile Communications Base Station Operators and Neighbors

指導教授 : 彭心儀


摘要 行動通信基地臺的抗爭己經成為一種社會的問題,而我國民眾之法治化的觀念不夠深化,人民遇到涉及公權力有關的爭議時,鮮少會想要利用法院或訴願等程序來解決爭端,反而寧願選擇進行體制外的方式處理。因此,為有效降低交易成本,中央及地方政府應協助人民以體制內,以合法的手段來解決爭議。 本論文從行動電話之基本性質談起,繼而介紹我國基地臺之設置許可及管理流程,並從解釋民法法理,釐清基地臺業者和鄰人的私法上關係,並以此為基礎來進而探討基地臺之設置許可及管理流程中行政程序問題以及地方自治權限爭議。最後並透過比較美國及日本的立法例。希望能為基地臺的爭議,找到一個有效降低交易成本的法律運作模式。 而本論文的看法認為,鄰人若有身體、健康或財產權受到損害,固然可以作為請求權的基礎;但是在財產權受影響的情況,若電磁波的侵害屬輕微,所有權人有容忍之義務。而法院裁量是否為輕微時,雖然不受行政機關之處分拘束,但多數會尊重行政機關之決定。是故,行政機關在核準基地臺設置的過程中,應公開化、透明化、並且要主動且適時公開資訊,更宜先聽取相關鄰人之意見而後作出決定。


The resistance to mobile communications base stations had become a social problem, and the Taiwan people's concept of the rule of law was not thorough enough, People associated with the power of the public controversy, few will want to take advantage of the court or the administrative appeal procedures for the settlement of disputes, Instead prefer foreign institutional manner. Therefore, in order to reduce transaction costs, the central and local governments should help to the people within the system in a legitimate means to resolve the dispute. This paper introduces the basic telephone operations nature, and then show Taiwan's installed base station license and management processes, from the legal interpretation of the Civil Code, clarifying base station operators and neighbors of private law relations and use it as the basis to further explore the disputes about the administrative processes for base station installation and management and the autonomy of local government.Finally, through the comparison of the United States and Japan legislation. Hope to find a legal mode of lowest transaction costs to settle base stations disputes. In this paper the view that if the body, health or property damage, the neighbor can use as the basis of the claim. But, in the cases of property, if the electromagnetic wave was a minor, the owner has the obligation of tolerance. And the discretion of the court whether or not minor, although is not subject to administrative disposition, However, the majority of cases, the court will respect the administrative authority's decision. Consequently, the administrative procedure in the approving for base stations set up shall be open, transparent, and the information shall be made available to the public actively and timely. In addition the administrative authority is also prefers to listen to the opinions of relevant neighbors before making a decision.


梁隆星(2008)。網路業者對網路著作權侵權之法律責任 ──以法律經濟分析為基礎〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200900621
