  • 學位論文


The Strategic development of Semiconductor Equipment Service Companies -- A case study of Robust Company

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


摘 要 台灣是全世界晶圓廠最密集的國家,半導產業是高資本支出的產業,建構一座現代12吋晶圓廠約需1,000億台幣,其中約有60%~70%是花費在設備採購上,在半導體廠建構完成後的後續的營運成本中,設備維護及耗材支出,也是相當可觀的成本,為維持獲利及產業競爭性,要持續降低成本所以供應鏈本土化是目前各大晶圓廠的策略,服務本土化、維修本土化及要求國外原廠來台建廠以降低生產管銷成本,這些無疑都是為了要有效的降低成本,給予了台灣半導體技術服務廠商極佳的發展空間。 台灣目前半導體技術服務公司大致上可分幾大類: 1、設備系統服務公司:大都是設備原廠出身,對於機台有相當程度的了解,可針對機台軟硬體提供全方位的服務。 2、二手設備服務公司:收購市場上的中古設備,整理保養後賣給客戶配合安裝及運作測試。這類公司要有相當的財力、技術及業務推展能力。 3、設備次系統技術服務公司:針對跨設備而有共同性單元模組的技術服務公司,如機械手臂、真空泵浦及閥件等的維護及零組件的設計製造。 4、耗材零件供應廠商:提供半導體產業所需要的耗材及零件供應廠商。 5、PM人力派遣公司:提供機台日常保養的人力需求公司,讓半導體廠可將設備工程師作更高階的應用。 個案公司是國內少數能夠跨越1234類的技術服務公司,尤其是轉型第三類的次系統模組的機械手臂維護更為國內業界的龍頭,秉持著誠信、專業、務實及創新經營理念,以永續經營為宗旨,持續開創新型強勢產品及海外市場,除了公司成長外對台灣半導體產業亦提供了高品質合理價格的選擇,使更具國際競爭優勢。


ABSTRACT The density of fabs in Taiwan is the most intensive around the world. Semiconductor industry is a high capital expenditure of the industry. Building a modern 12-inch wafer costs about NT$100 billion; and the cost of its capital expenditures about 60% to 70 % is spent on equipment procurement. Semiconductor plant in the operating costs of the follow-up is still high, such as equipment maintenance and consumable parts. Thus, reducing costs with the local supply chain is a crucial issue for Taiwan’s wafer fabs. These are no doubt in order to effectively reduce costs which gave technical service company for development in Taiwan. Taiwan's current semiconductor technology services company generally can be divided into several categories: 1、The equipment system service companies: Mostly original equipment came from. The machine has a considerable degree of understanding. The machine can be hardware and software for a full range of services. 2、Second-hand equipment service company: The acquisition of the market owned equipment. Maintenance of order and sold to the customer with the installation and operation of the test. 3、Sub-systems technology services company equipment: Equipment for a commonality of inter-cell module technology services company. Such as Robot、Vacuum pump and valves and components such as the maintenance of the design and manufacture. 4、Consumable parts suppliers: Consumable parts suppliers for semiconductor industry. 5、PM manpower outsourcing company: To provide the manpower for routine maintenance that makes the semiconductor factory equipment engineers can do more advanced applications. The case company is one of the few to cross item 1234 regions technical services company. Uphold the management ideas on integrity, professional, pragmatic and innovative. Continue to develop innovative products and strong market. In addition to the company's growth outside the semiconductor industry in Taiwan has also provided high quality and reasonable prices.


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