  • 學位論文


Research on Social Regulation of Voice over Internet Protocol-Communications Protection and Surveillance

指導教授 : 彭心儀


電信產業之管制議題,向來以經濟管制為探討之重心,但基於重要社會利益所生之社會管制措施,由於具備跨領域性與普世性之特質,在近年來去管制化與管制革新趨勢下,較經濟管制具備正當性而仍持續發展,其重要性不亞於經濟管制,亦與經濟管制間產生相生與相剋之矛盾關係。 網路電話為數位匯流下新興服務型態之一,由於其不同於傳統電話線路傳輸管道之特殊性,在整體管制密度與分類上是否應比照傳統電話服務引發極大爭議,而在網路電話服務之社會管制領域,由於網路電話服務提供者多為中小型企業,因社會管制所增加之配合成本對網路電話服務之發展有深刻影響,經濟與社會管制目的間之衝突更為明顯。 本文之主題為網路電話之社會管制,並以通訊保障及監察議題為討論之核心,從不同社會管制目的間—「人民隱私權」與「社會秩序與國家安全」之衝突,到社會管制目的與經濟管制目的—「業者權益與電信產業發展」之衝突,從業者之協助通訊監察義務面向出發,檢視網路電話服務於達成社會管制目的時可能遭遇的障礙,並對於技術可行性與對網路電話服務發展之不利影響兩大面向,嘗試提出建議與解決之思考方向。


The debate on the regulatory issues in the telecom industry has long been centered on economic regulations rather than social regulations due to its massive impact on related interested parties. However, in the ongoing trends of deregulation and regulatory reform, social regulation, characterized by its trans-sectoral and prevalent nature, has gained stronger legitimacy and significance than economic regulation. Also, the two different categories of regulation are sometimes mutually supportive, but in some cases, they might collide with each other. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a burgeoning service in the era of digital convergence. In the realm of social regulation, VoIP service providers, mostly comprised of competitive small and medium enterprises, are often plagued by the compliance costs demanded by authorities for fulfilling the goal of social regulation, which exacerbates the collision between social and economic regulation. The main concern of this paper falls on the social regulation of VoIP service providers, and the author decides to choose communications protection and surveillance issue as example due to its controversies in two aspects:the clash between different social goals (the maintenance of communicational privacy, national security, and social order at the same time) and between social and economic goals (the balance of goals presented in the Communications Protection and Surveillance Act, the developments of VoIP industry, and the rights of VoIP service providers). After analyzing the very differences between traditional telecom and VoIP service providers and reviewing the status of privacy protection and implications of telecom provider’s duty of surveillance assistance provision in Taiwan, this paper indicates that the crucial problem concerning the social regulation field, “technical feasibility" and "possible negative effects on VoIP service developments" should be considered, and it is imperative to figure out the possible solutions and to try to strike a balance between different contracdictory goals.


