  • 學位論文


The Study of the Entry Strategies for Overseas Investment - A Case on the Assessment of the Vietnamese Investment of Company D

指導教授 : 林福仁


台灣歷經了十二年鍥而不捨努力,終於在2002年順利加入世界貿易組織(WTO),成為一百四十四個會員國中的一員。在這一個快速變遷的時代中,由於企業經營者的使命感和責任感的驅使,令我們視企業為一條航行中的船,因此有限的知識累積,並不足以應付未來社會的挑戰,必須有憂患意識、有危機感,必須步步為營,處處設防,才能真正適應全球化潮流所帶來的巨變,因此,換來了今天的穩定與成長。 由於,面臨知識經濟時代,台灣企業因生產要素受限,國內外經濟環境變遷因素,於產品性質與國內外市場等投資環境鉅變下,短期內難以調整生產技術與生產方式來因應,承受成本日益加重,營運愈來愈艱難,企業實際必須考量體質能力,考慮評估進入海外投資擴張策略之可行性,赴海外尋求價廉充沛勞動力有市場潛力之生產行銷據點,力求降低成本,海外投資標的除中國大陸外,亦看重新興國家。 本研究藉由實務為例,為探討評估全球化海外投資策略之可行性理論與決策,本研究選取一家已導入全球化管理的電子業個案為例,研究其運用全球化投資定位、策劃評估與企業文化理念,探討海外投資評估計劃與全球化策略,彈性與優勢等變因,海外投資目的是以達成生產投資環境與台灣互補之效,彌補在台灣生產所喪失之利益,以達到國外大廠國際經濟分工與外銷市場擴大之需求。 企業全球化,受限於規模,如何應變,具體思維,達成全球化的海外經略,為了追隨上游廠商,而必須到大陸或東南亞投資,針對此一議題,企業海外投資策略之分析以為本研究重心。同時,本研究對比研究於其他產業,另選取已公開資訊、並已導入全球化管理的不同產業為個案,供為不同比擬,將不同個案過去於經營事業所累積的無形海外投資經驗,轉化於不同技術因素之平台,以產生決策、政策與整體營運運籌。 然而,繼台商西進後,中國大陸因腹地、市場龐大及兩岸同文同種的優勢,成為台商跨海投資第一選擇。越南為東協會員國,經歷了10多年的努力,2007年甫加入WTO,對越南目前經營的困境,雖有很大解決改善空間,同時產生莫大之商機,越南近來成為台商海外投資的另一選擇。正因越南加入WTO帶來正面的意義,加上台資在越南已有基礎,越南政府亦希冀台資的持續加碼,相信未來台越之間會有更進一步加強擴大實質的貿易發展關係。台灣企業與中國大陸之間的長期經貿關係,對海外投資所面臨不確性的困難與挑戰,擬具全球化海外投資策略之評估分析,達成有效益性的結論,供為後續可行實作評估模式之研究貢獻。


Taiwan became one of the 144 members of WTO (World Trade Organization) in 2002 after 12 years’ continuous efforts. Based on the mission and responsibility of an entrepreneur, S/he may have limited knowledge of accumulation to face the challenge like a boat sailing on the ocean to face uncertainties. In order to follow the globalization trends, a firm needs to manage risks to maintain its robustness. As Taiwan moves into the knowledge based economic era, both of the environment and production change domestically and internationally. It is hard to rearrange the product systems and technologies in a short term, even lowering the cost and simplifying operations. It is the time to evaluate overseas investment strategies to justify their suitability and performance. In order to reduce the production cost, firms tend to find lower labor costs and potential markets,in new developing countries besides Mainland China. This thesis aims to study the assessment of the overseas investment strategies of company D in Vietnam. The overseas investment is perceived to complement resources between Taiwan and foreign countries. The focus of the research is to analyze the overseas investment strategy, including business globalization in scope, change management, practical thought on the globalization, following up the headstream, the location of investment including Mainland China or South East Asia. This study compared other companies in the industry, using information collected from the public. The differences are from the technological platform, management, decision and policy maker, and business models. Mainland China is the first priority for most of businesses in Taiwan due to the market potential and the advantage of the same culture between two sides of straits. The second priority is Vietnam (the member of ASEAN) which became a member of WTO in 2007 after 10 years’ continuous effort. Although it needs a lot of improvement in business infrastructure, Vietnam attracts a lot of ventures with its great business opportunity. Moreover, foreign direct investment is also encouraged by Vietnam government. The trend of the relationship in business trading between Taiwan and Vietnam is expected to grow. The assessment of overseas investment of Company D in this thesis will present a typical decision making process for other companies to reference. Thus, the insights from this case study will contribute to those firms which are also seeking the opportunities in overseas investment, especially in Vietnam.


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