  • 學位論文


Using Citation Network Analysis to explore the Relationship between Patent Feature and Patent Quality

指導教授 : 王俊程


專利是一家公司的重要資產,其不僅代表一家公司的技術能力,也代表一家公司的競爭優勢程度。每個專利都有不同的專利特質,隨著產業環境的不同,專利的特質也會有所不同,而每個專利的特質都將影響專利未來的品質高低,因此,了解專利特質對於專利品質的影響程度,是企業訂定R&D活動策略時必要檢視的事情之一。 本研究將專利之間的互動網絡作為中介變數,以進一步探討專利特質與專利品質間的影響關係。本研究結果顯示,專利特質將會經由專利間的社會網絡位置而影響專利未來的品質;因此本研究提供一個預測專利未來品質的方法,且也證明具有高原創性或較短生命週期的專利,將會經由社會網絡的互動而提升專利未來的品質。 專利特質會隨著產業環境的不同有所差異;本研究將不同的專利特質作為調節變數,進一步探討不同的專利特質於社會網絡中互動現象。本研究建議,企業的R&D策略活動必須針對不同的技術使用目的而有所調整,且研究結果顯示,技術導向與服務導向的專利類型,在R&D的策略發展上需有明顯的決策差異。


Patents are important assets in a company. It not only represents the technology abilities, but also represents the competitive advantage of a company. Each patent owns different features that will affect the quality of patent in the future. Determining the impact from patent features to patent quality is always important for R&D strategies. In this study, social network is regarded as a mediator to explore the relationship between patent features and patent quality. The analytical results shows that patent features will affect patent quality through network position. Thus, this study provides a method for the purpose of predicting patent quality and finds that a patent with higher originality or shorter technology cycle time will enhance patent quality through network position. Patent features are different depending on variation of industry environment. Thus, this study further explores the moderation efficiency of patent types for finding the different behavior in citation network with different patent types. This study suggests that it is need to adjust R&D strategies by different purpose of using technology. At least for technology-oriented patents and service-oriented patents, the R&D strategies should be different between them.




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