  • 學位論文


Exploring Intellectual Structure On Combination of Patents and Academic Literature

指導教授 : 陳宗天


在知識經濟的時代,組織能否掌握重要與關鍵的資訊,攸關企業甚至是國家間競爭力高低的 關鍵因素,但在資訊爆炸的年代,要從巨量資料中找出重要且關鍵的資訊卻猶如大海撈針,因此 引文分析(Citation Analysis)的技術隨之應運而生,其常見的資料來源有專利以及學術文獻兩 種,兩者的資料內容以及描述的重點各有不同,但結合在一起卻能收互補之效,因此,本研究嘗 試結合專利以及學術文獻兩種資料來源,並利用引文分析的技術處理,以期能收到一加一大於二 的綜效。 根據本研究最終的實驗結果,將專利結合學術文獻所產出的智識結構圖以及精華文獻集,智 識結構圖能夠提供研究者各議題間關係的對照且克服了以往純專利智識結構圖零散、封閉的缺 點,精華文獻集則提供研究者在技術面以及理論面的豐富且重要的資訊,兩者的結合可以幫助 研究者節省大量的時間、精力,迅速了解該領域的研究以及創新的重點,且由於加入了專利的元 素,在實作以及技術層面議題的探討變得更為深入,使用者可以了解某理論議題的背後,可以發 展出的相關技術應用為何? 同時亦可了解某相關技術應用的背後,其理論面的基礎又為何? 這是 以往單純專利或是學術文獻的引文分析所難以做到的。 關鍵


In the era of knowledge economy, the capability of effectively gathering and disseminating information plays a critical role for the competitiveness in the enterprises as well as countries. However, to find out the important and critical information in the times of the information explosion, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Therefore, the technology of automatically gathering and analyzing the relationships between documents and deriving the structure from a collection of related document is very important. There are two important data sources that contain important knowledge – the academic literature and patent collection. These two sources vary in the data content and key descriptions. However, if the data contains in these two sources can be combined and analyzed together, they may reveal latent information that is difficult to uncover. This study attempts to combine and analyze these two data sources together. We expect to uncover the missing links that bridge the research-oriented academic information and application-oriented patent information. This study combines the patents’ collection with the academic literature to derive a joint intellectual structure. Core literatures and patents are also identified based on their rankings calculated from the kernel function. The combined intellectual structure may show the researchers the latent and indirect relationships between the research literature and patents. It also overcomes the fragmented intellectual structure which is derived from the patent collection alone. The core literatures identified from our kernel processing provide important academic and technical oriented information. The synergy derived from combining these two distinct data sources can help the researchers quickly find the theoretical basis for patents or highlight the application domain of an academic research.


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