  • 學位論文

「助產士或產婆?」─ 論1850至1915的荷蘭東印度助產士教育制度

“Midwife or dukun bayi?” : the midwife training system in Dutch East Indies, c. 1850-1915

指導教授 : 太田淳 邱馨慧


當傳統醫療遇上西方殖民醫療時,對殖民地社會將會帶來什麼衝擊?從荷蘭東印度助產士教育制度施行的過程,除了可看出荷蘭東印度政府對殖民地的政治、經濟考量,如何推動衛生醫療福利政策外,更帶出助產士女性地位轉變及異文化接觸及調適的相關議題。 本研究試圖從十九世紀的期刊雜誌、官方出版資料及議會資料和前人研究關,從助產士教育制度的推行過程中分析,荷蘭東印度政府實施政策的主要考量、歐洲人的想法和當地人的反應,進而重組當時社會背景下歐人和當地人的交流情況及助產士的女性地位。筆者希望從這些資料中,能找出證據釐清當地人對荷蘭東印度政府政策的態度,殖民統治者和被殖民者之間的互動關係及對當地社會所產生的影響。 助產士教育制度實際施行的時間雖只有四十三年,且不如同時期一起設立的doctor-djawa學校更具世人所熟悉,但在其短短的訓練過程中,助產士仍就扮演著其獨特的角色。荷蘭人試圖培養當地女孩成為專業的助產士,以推行荷蘭東印度群島的產科護理政策。雖然實施結果不如預期,學校最後仍以關閉收場,卻對醫學知識的交流、殖民政策的改變及當地助產士矛盾的社會地位留下其不可抹滅的影響。


殖民醫學 產婆 協調者 助產士 教育


When traditional medicine encountered Western colonial medicine, what kind of affections happened in Dutch East Indies? From the development of midwife training system, it shows the issues of the political and economic concerns of Dutch authorities and how the policies of health welfare performed, moreover, the transition of midwives’ status in local society and adjustment and connection between different cultures. This thesis tried to analysis the historical materials, journals of 19th century, official publications and previous studies, in order to understand the development of midwife training system, the major considerations of colonial policies and the attitude of local people. Base on these backgrounds, this research will reorganize the appearance between local people and Dutch colonists, furthermore, gender issue of local midwives. In using these archives, I hope I could figure out the deeper social construction and colonial society in Dutch East Indies. The midwife training school performed for only 43 years. Most previous studies of medical education focused on doctor-djawa school and male physicians. But it’s not enough to discuss with medical education only focused on doctor-djawa training system. Training midwife was one of statics method that Dutch authorities wanted to improve obstetric care in Dutch East Indies. Knowing both traditional and Western medicine, they as mediators expand the knowledge to each group. They cooperated with Dutch authorities to propagandize Western medicine among local people. Moreover, they had their own status and economic ability in local society and played a special role in this period.


colonial medicine dukun bayi mediator midwife education


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