  • 學位論文


Constitutional Review of Untruthful or Misleading Commercial Speech

指導教授 : 陳仲嶙


摘 要 商業性言論有別於其他言論類型,其主要目的係為追求商業利益,被認為不 具備言論自由所欲追求之價值,因而無論美國或我國實務,早先對於此種言論多採不保障或低度保障之態度,但隨學說發展以及實務觀點轉變,已逐漸肯認此種言論自身價值,並賦予一定程度之保障。然觀察釋憲實務,可發現受保障類型仍僅限於於「促進合法交易活動」及「其內容又非虛偽不實或不致產生誤導作用者」。對於「虛偽不實或具誤導性之商業性言論」則無相關審查標準,將可能導致以下兩個問題:其一,可能因此使言論發布者自我審查而導致寒蟬效應;其二,若發生相關案件,將無所適從。 前述問題反應於現行實務,其具體態樣即為不實廣告,惟目前現行法規所採 取之管制手段與罰則,是否能有效達成各法規之設置目的?其限制手段上是否有侵害言論自由之虞?在現行釋憲實務無任何審查標準可依循之情形下,將完全無從檢驗。故本文欲針對此種實務尚未處理之言論類型進行討論分析,藉由參照研究美國相關實務見解與法規範,與我國法規範做一整理比較,望能從美國實務分析中,推導出適合我國對於內容虛偽不實或具誤導性之商業言論審查標準。 關鍵詞:商業性言論、虛偽不實、誤導性、違憲審查


Abstract Commercial speech is different from other types of speech because its main purpose, pursuing commercial interests, is not considered as the main value of freedom of speech. Thus both the United States and our practices give no or low protection in the past. With the change in doctrine development and the practical view, the value of commercial speech has been recognized and given a certain degree of protection. However, by observing the practices of constitutional interpretation, it can be found that the protected types are still limited to the "promotion of legitimate trading activities" and "the contents of non-deceptive or non-misleading". For "Untruthful or misleading commercial speech," there was no relevant standard of review, and may lead to two following problems: First, cause of the chilling effect due to publisher self-review; Second, no standard can be followed when relevant cases show up. The aforementioned problem reflected in current practice is false advertising. Without relevant constitutional review standard, it cannot be determined whether the regulatory instruments and penalties of current laws and regulations can effectively achieve the set purpose of the regulations, or whether the regulatory instruments infringe the freedom of speech. In this thesis, analysis on the untruthful or misleading commercial speech is done by comparing the practical insights of the United States with our laws and regulations. The goal is to find the suitable standard of constitutional review for untruthful or misleading commercial speech. Key Words:Commercial Speech, Untruthful, Misleading, Constitutional Review


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